Two elderly people have died from heatstroke in Cyrprus as 40C heatwaves continue to cover major holiday spots across Europe, including Greece, Cyprus and Turkey

Two elderly people have died from heatstroke in Cyprus as temperatures soar to dangerously high levels in the region.

A Cyprus health official confirmed that a second person died from heatstroke following a weeklong heatwave that baked at 40C in the east Mediterranean island nation, with reportedly record temperatures for the month of June.

An 84-year-old woman died a day after she was admitted to hospital on Friday, said State Health Services Organisation spokesman Charalambos Charilaou. He added that another three elderly patients remain in a serious condition. It comes as wildfires continue to rage through parts of the island, with strong winds also hampering firefighters’ efforts to tackle the blazes.

Cyprus has recorded dangerously high temperatures on the island exceeding 40C (104F) this month. The extreme heat, along with strong winds have made it increasingly difficult for fire services to control the wildfires. Areas hit include more than 1.2 square miles (3.2 sq km) of forest in Nicosia, which were scorched in a mountainous area south-west of the capital, threatening an entire village.

Last week, aircraft from Greece and Jordan joined in on firefighting efforts as 49 people in two seperate communities in Cyrprus’ Paphos district were evacuated to hotels as a wildfire threatened their homes.

Other countries across Europe, including Greece and Turkey, are also baking in record temperatures, sparking fears of more wildfires and an increased risk of heat-related illness and death.

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