After the Conservatives launched their General Election 2024 manifesto, when are Labour, the Liberal Democrats and the Scottish National Party publishing their plans?

Thurrock: Keir Starmer with Labour candidate Jen Craft at event in Essex

Dig deep, people. We’re only 23 days from the finish line – and a week might be a long time in politics, but gird those loins because the general election campaign still has plenty of madness to vomit over us.

Today (June 11) the Conservatives launched their manifesto at – where else? – Silverstone racing circuit in Northamptonshire, legendary home of the British Grand Prix, and host of plenty of other car crashes. Take a shot for every ‘the wheels have come off!’ pun you hear today.

Troubled Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, encircled by his entire Cabinet, laid out the Tories’ top policy plans at 11.30am, with the widely billed billions of pounds in tax cuts sure to be their headline offering. Mr Sunak will be clapped on oh-so loyally by the likes of Penny Mordaunt ( fresh from slamming his decision to leave the D-Day commemorations early) and Kemi Badenoch, before facing questions from the press and rounding off the day with a visit with students and apprentices.

Labour has already branded it ” the most expensive panic attack in history “, so that bodes well. Do follow along on the Mirror’s general election live blog.

But when are the other parties expected to launch their own political manifestos? Let’s take a look.

When is Labour’s general election manifesto launching?

Labour’s Keir Starmer will be unveiling the party’s plans on Thursday June 13, although the exact time and venue is still TBC. The Labour leader, who is widely expected to be moving into Downing Street on July 5, said on Monday that the party’s manifesto promises have been “fully costed” and “fully funded”.

“They don’t require tax rises over and above those that we have already set out. So there won’t be any surprises when the manifesto is unveiled on Thursday,” he said.

Among the pledges that have already been soft launched are a ban on the sale of high caffeine energy drinks to under-16s, a crackdown on violence against shop staff and speeding up the end of animal testing.

They’ll be in addition to Mr Starmer’s previously announced five “missions” for government and his first six steps – unveiled just a few weeks ago.

The promises include sorting the economy, cutting NHS waiting times, tackling anti-social behaviour, setting up publicly owned Great British Energy, and recruiting 6,500 new teachers.

When is the Liberal Democrats’ manifesto coming out?

With joy in his heart and a grin on his face, Lib Dem leader Sir Ed Davey announced his party’s manifesto on Monday (June 11) – and promptly followed it up with a trip to Thorpe Park to ride on some rollercoasters.

Among the 116-page document’s key promises were a pledge to seek to join the Single Market after the disaster of Brexit, give everyone the right to see a GP within seven days, or within 24 hours it’s urgent, and to help cut energy bills through an emergency Home Energy Upgrade programme, tackling rising food prices through a National Food Strategy.

When is the Scottish National Party’s manifesto out?

So far we’ve not got a launch date for the SNP’s election manifesto launch, but leader John Swinney is billed to sit down with the BBC’s Nick Robinson tomorrow night (June 12) in the latest in a series of Panorama specials. Will we get a sniff of their manifesto before then? Only time – endless, wearying time – will tell…

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