Keely Tobin tipped the scales at 21st at her heaviest and struggled to squeeze into a size 28 but has now lost an incredible 10 stone since undergoing the surgery

A mum spent £2.7k on gastric band surgery in Turkey and lost 10 stone after being told she would die by doctors.

Keely Tobin, 37, tipped the scales at 21st at her heaviest and struggled to squeeze into a size 28. At a height of just 5ft, this meant Keely was severely overweight and her doctor even warned her she was eating her way to an early grave.

Mum-of-two Keely could barely walk up the stairs, struggled to tie her laces, couldn’t play with her children and says she was addicted to food – often spending the day snacking on packets of biscuits and sausage rolls. After years of struggling, she went to the doctors to see what could be done – where she was told an early death “wasn’t a case of if, but when”.

She was put on a list for a gastric bypass but says she was warned she might have to wait seven years for the procedure due to high demand. The appointment terrified Keely – so she decided to make the trip to Turkey to get the surgery done there in January 2021. Since the procedure, she has lost 10 stone and “feels phenomenal”. Keely now weighs 11st exactly and can slip into a slender size 12 with ease.

Keely, a pharmaceutical worker, from Tipperary, Ireland, said: “When the doctor told me an early death wasn’t a case of ‘if but when’, I was absolutely terrified. I was begging him for help, trying everything I could to get some support – a food addiction is still an addiction and I remember I just felt so out of control, I’d tried everything and didn’t know what to do.

“So that’s when I decided to look into different surgery options around the world – I did so much research, I was just so scared. But honestly it was all so worth it, I’m so glad I had the surgery. I just feel so amazing, really amazing now. I can do so many things I never did before and I just feel phenomenal.”

Keely began putting on weight after giving birth to her first child, Shannon, 15, and by 2019 was struggling to complete every day tasks like walking to the shop. Working in a betting shop at the time, she spent lots of the day sitting down and was eating around 4,000 calories a day.

Keely said: “When lockdown started, I was already a bit overweight but it got worse and worse as the lockdown went on. Obviously we had nothing to do – I was sitting at home, not being very active, and just eating loads. I got to a point where I physically couldn’t walk to the shop across the road, I couldn’t tie my laces, walk up the stairs, or even play with my children without getting tired – I felt so depressed.”

Keely visited the doctors in June 2019 where she was told her heart was likely to fail and an early death was on the cards. When she was told the wait for gastric bypass surgery in Ireland was seven years, she decided to take matters into her own hands. She found a company called “Get Slim in Turkey” – a woman-owned British agency, based in Turkey, that helps and supports customers who travel to the country for weight loss surgery.

Keely discovered a whole community of Irish and English women on Facebook who were planning to travel to Turkey for gastric band surgery – after joining the group and connecting with people who had undergone the procedure, she decided to do it. In January 2021, during the second Covid lockdown, Keely was permitted to travel to Turkey for medical reasons.

Keely said: “There were seven of us Irish girls who had met through the Facebook page and we all decided to travel out to Turkey together. I remember being sat in the airport chatting with them – saying this is our last drink, this is our last chippy, because obviously after the surgery I knew my eating habits would change.”

They travelled to a hospital in Kusadasi where they were supported by English speaking carers. Keely was the last of the seven girls to have the procedure and says she was “so nervous” as she waited her turn. “I got through it and the procedure all went well,” she said.

“I was in serious pain and in recovery for a couple of days after. I was able to fly back home after a few days and remember the first week was quite hard. But soon after – I remember just getting so much energy suddenly, it was amazing. I think in the first week I lost about 10 pounds – I started walking 10 to 15 kilometres a day, I drank so much water, I didn’t eat a lot – because you can’t after surgery – but I just remember feeling so good.”

“I’d always loved walking but I just couldn’t do it anymore at my peak weight – so to be able to do that again felt phenomenal.” Keely now attends the gym, maintains a healthy diet and is able to go out with her children – Shannon and Millie Rose, two – without getting tired or feeling ashamed.

In her new job at a pharmaceutical company, she spends lots of time on her feet. She said: “To be honest I am still so frightened of going back to how I was and gaining all the weight back. It is scary – I just can’t go back, I was so depressed. I think if I hadn’t died from heart failure I might have eventually got to a point where I’d ended my life.

“I have to be here – I need to be here for my daughters. I feel really, really amazing now and can do so many things I could never do before – last week I completed a 10km race in Dublin and I just felt so emotional when I crossed that finish line.”

Diet before

Breakfast – Four slices of toast

Lunch – White bread sandwich with crisps

Dinner – A Chinese takeaway

Drinks – Lots of coffee

Snacks – Biscuits and a pack of sausage rolls

Diet after

Breakfast – Porridge or eggs and and brown bread

Lunch – Salad or couscous with chicken

Dinner – Salad with some form of protein

Drinks – Water

Snacks – Popcorn or a low-fat cereal bar

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