A menopause expert warns symptoms can appear in the mouth and knees

Despite there being 62 symptoms associated with menopause, women typically only recognise five, according to the UK’s largest ever study into the condition. The research found that women are aware of hot flushes, night sweats, fatigue, sleep difficulties and irregular periods as signs of menopause.

However, menopause specialist Dr Naomi Potter highlights that other issues such as tinnitus, urinary infections, changes in body odour, weakened bones and restless legs can also be linked to this stage in a woman’s life. Other symptoms can include increased allergies, heart palpitations and changes in oral health.

The study, conducted by hygiene and health company Essity, surveyed 5,000 women who were pre-menopause, in peri, or post menopause. It revealed that even those who had completed their menopausal journey remained largely uninformed about what they had experienced.

To help women better understand their changing bodies, educational packs have been created by the brand and Dr Potter. A common misunderstanding among the women surveyed was that menopause spans many years.

Dr Potter clarifies that this transition period is actually referred to as perimenopause, during which hormones can fluctuate for an extended period. Menopause itself occurs 12 months after a woman’s last period, reports Wales Online.

She explained: “I hear of so many myths from women who are unsure about what their body will or is going through, many of whom are in total denial. Women believe they can’t experience symptoms in their forties because they’re not old enough, or their symptoms aren’t menopausal when in fact, if they’re over 45, it’s likely they are.

“And women are just as baffled about help available from medical professionals, believing they can’t be treated if they’re overweight, old, have migraines, have liver disease, high blood pressure and so on. The reason why it is so hard to pinpoint the number of symptoms is also because not all are associated with peri or menopause – people do obviously suffer with other ailments which are totally unrelated.”

Of those women who are experiencing, or have experienced, the menopause, only 40 per cent sought advice from a GP for their symptoms. Meanwhile, nearly half felt they lacked information about what was happening to their bodies, and 56 per cent were constantly taken aback by their experiences.

A mere one per cent of women knew that less common symptoms such as urinary frequency or vaginal changes could be part of the menopause journey until they went through them. In the same vein, only two per cent were aware that they might have to deal with issues like incontinence, skin problems or heart palpitations.

Only a mere three per cent of women realised that their feelings of dizziness, loss of confidence or joy were directly linked to changes in their hormone levels. Shockingly, one third of women who believe they are pre-perimenopausal don’t think it happens to every female.

A staggering four out of 10 women are unsure whether the onset of menopause can be hereditary in terms of when it starts or the symptoms experienced. Furthermore, two thirds are clueless about whether the journey to menopause can decrease sex drive, and a whopping 74 per cent didn’t realise it could be associated with weight gain.


1. Palpitations.

2. Chest pain.

3. Breast tenderness.

4. Itchy skin.

5. Dry Skin.

6. Rosacea.

7. Acne.

8. Thin skin.

9. Collagen loss.

10. Crying.

11. Brain Fog.

12. Memory Loss.

13. Poor concentration.

14. Word finding difficulty.

15. Anxiety.

16. Low mood.

17. Worsening PMS.

18. Anger/ Rage.

19. Irritability.

20. Headache.

21. Migraines.

22. Joint Pain.

23. Joint stiffness.

24. Vaginal Dryness.

25. Vaginal discharge.

26. Vulval itch.

27. Perineal itch.

28. Vulval/ vaginal electric shocks.

29. Increase in thrush.

30. Increase in BV.

31. Poor libido.

32. High libido.

33. Weight gain.

34. Scalp Hair loss.

35. Unwanted Hair growth.

36. Urinary Infections.

37. Urinary incontinence.

38. Urinary urgency.

39. Nocturia (getting up at night).

40. Sexual Dysfunction.

41. Chest tightness.

42. Constipation.

43. Gastric reflux.

44. Fatigue.

45. Night Sweats.

46. Hot flushes.

47. Cold flushes.

48. Period increased frequency.

49. Periods decreased frequency.

50. Heavier periods.

51. Muscle Loss.

52. Tinnitus.

53. Dry eyes.

54. Watery eyes.

55. Burning mouth.

56. Gum disease.

57. Foot pain.

58. Frozen shoulder.

59. Insomnia.

60. Histamine sensitivity.

61. New allergy.

62. Body odour change.

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