According to travel influencer Erin Fang, pizza in Venice ‘just lacks that extra flavour’ – she’s urging tourists to avoid ordering it, and there’s a peculiar reason as to why pizza might not be up to scratch in Venice

If you book a holiday in Venice, you’d be forgiven for getting excited about the thought of tucking into an authentic Italian pizza at a quaint eatery next to one of the city’s many canals.

However, tourists have been warned to avoid ordering pizza in Venice – and there’s a bizarre reason as to why.

Travel influencer Erin Fang, who goes by @thelittlebasketco on TikTok where she has more than 269,000 followers, recently uploaded a video in which she listed “things I wish social media told me before visiting Venice”.

“First up, do not rely on the food and definitely not the pizza,” Erin said. She explained how wood-burning ovens are actually banned in Venice, meaning that the pizza there “just lacks that extra flavour”.

Erin isn’t the first person to make this point. Travel guide site Culture Trip explains: “It’s actually quite hard to find good pizza in Venice because wood-burning ovens are historically banned for fire safety reasons. Unless it’s one of the few places that do it right, most pizza restaurants are tourist traps.”

Moreover, Erin said pizza wasn’t the only problem with the food in Venice. She continued: “Pizza or not, set your expectations low when it comes to the food, because the majority of restaurants here are insanely commercialised.” She did however recommend cicchetti, which are small plates of authentic Venetian cuisine.

Erin’s video racked up more than 81,000 likes. But the comments section was full of people saying they’d had wonderful food in Venice.

One said: “We had awesome food in Venice, you gotta go away from the more main areas and find the little places.” While a second said: “I absolutely LOVED Venice. We didn’t do any touristy stuff we just got lost in all the little alleyways and ate at little hole in the walls.”

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