
Every family deserves a relaxed holiday experience but in the early days of parenting life, it can be difficult to pin down the perfect travelling and holidaying sleep routine – until now

Helping your little one sleep soundly overnight is not for the faint-hearted and it’s even harder when you’re travelling and abroad. Taking your baby away from their usual environments, sounds and scents can lead to an unsettled child – and in turn unsettled parents.

New research from Pampers has detailed how sleep is an important cornerstone for baby’s physical and neurological growth, as well as revealing that as many as 44% of parents admit that getting baby to sleep at night is twice as challenging as child birth.

Throw into the mix a change in temperature, location and a potentially a long car or train journey, or even a flight, and you’ve created the perfect storm for crying, tantrums and a generally unhappy child.

Luckily, there’s help on hand and easy solutions that you can try to help ease your travelling and create an all-round relaxing holiday as you all intended.

One expert has some simple and proactive hacks you can give a go on your next trip, as he reveals that there are “many factors to consider.”

Dr. Paul Gringas, who is the President of International Pediatric Sleep Association (IPSA), said: “There are many factors to consider when it comes to your little one’s sleep when travelling. Here are a few that might help get you on your way

“First, prepare early and expect disruptions. Practise naps in the travel cot or car seat before leaving. Normal routines and schedule may be thrown off during travel so take double the baby supplies you were planning.”

Dr. Paul also suggested bringing along a fluffy friend to help ease any little anxieties.

“Pack familiar sleep essentials. Whether it’s a favourite blanket, toy or cot sheet from home, familiar smells and textures help acclimatise to a new environment.”

Pampers and World Sleep Society – an expert-led group dedicated to advancing sleep health – are keen to highlight the power of an uninterrupted night’s sleep for babies around the world regardless of where they lie their heads – and whilst it’s completely normal for babies under 12 months old to wake up to six times a night, adding travelling into the mix isn’t ideal.

When heading away from home for extended periods, Dr. Paul also added that you should consider travel times and safe travel sleep accordingly.

“Aim to drive or fly during sleep disruptions, planning for breaks to feed or change nappies,” added the expert.

Other clever experts at Pampers also added some top tips for ensuring your next trip away goes as smoothly as you deserve.

  • Make day for play! Fresh air, natural light and physical play ahead of travelling will help
  • Have an early start for a sleep night. Aim to book early morning flights, or load up the car as early as possible
  • Quiet, cool and dark rooms create optimum sleeping environments so aim to recreate this wherever you are
  • Create a calming bedtime routine. Even if you’re on-route or in a new location, stick to the stories they know and love
  • Use and fresh and high quality, absorbent nappy. Might sound obvious but use those fabulous nighttime ones for travelling

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