Emily Skye, who is known for sharing her health and fitness journey online, admits that she’s been struggling to train consistently recently. She still looks fabulous though

A fitness guru mum, who regularly shows off her toned figure, is urging people not to be too hard on themselves for skipping the gym.

Emily Skye, known as emilyskyefit on Instagram, has gained millions of followers through sharing her health and fitness transformation after having children. Recently, she opened up about her personal battles with maintaining consistent training sessions, admitting that getting back on track has been challenging due to continuous setbacks.

In one of her latest Instagram updates, Emily revealed: “I really need to let go of the notion that I’m only fit or healthy if I’m working out five times a week. The truth is, training just once a week is still better than nothing, especially if it’s all I can manage.

“We can only do our best, and that should always be enough – though I often find it difficult to practice this mindset with myself. On a positive note, I trained legs today. Even though I only had 50 minutes, which isn’t a lot for leg day, I pushed myself and gave it my all. That feels like a win.”

The ex-Biggest Loser fitness coach also advised followers that someone else’s peak can be entirely different to your own, therefore comparisons are futile. She stressed that individual journeys vary, and focus should be placed on embracing what you have.

According to Emily, the key to success is following your own path and valuing the good in your life. In time, everything else should fall into place.

Since the post went viral, it’s racked up more than 6,000 likes and several comments. Her followers expressed gratitude for her honesty about the challenges of juggling life’s demands – and are very impressed she stays looking so fabulous even when she’s not training consistently.

One user commented: “Once a week is amazing. Don’t be so hard on yourself.”Another shared their own struggle, writing: “Urgh, I’m like true but with nutrition. My training is consistent but I just love food and struggle to stay on track.”

A third chimed in with: “It’s refreshing seeing someone famous, and the author of a fitness program, be honest that they struggle to be consistent and have done one workout this week. I feel such a failure when I only do 1-2 workouts, but this post reminded me that it is better than 0. Thanks Em.”

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