A passenger claimed this morning’s queues were a ‘health and safety disaster’ and that ‘animals would not be treated so badly’ – now the airport has revealed just how much liquids were removed

Birmingham Airport security staff seized nearly a tonne of liquids exceeding the 100ml limit in just three-and-a-half hours on Thursday.

This revelation followed a passenger’s claim that this morning’s queues were a “health and safety disaster”. Holidaymakers likened their treatment to “animals would not be treated so badly” and criticised the queuing process as “something akin to a third-world operation.”

One traveller alleged there were more than 1,000 people waiting around 5.30am, a figure disputed by the airport. During today’s delays, airport personnel confiscated 0.8 tonnes of liquids, pastes and gels in containers over the 100ml hand luggage limit between 3.30am and 7am.

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The airport confirmed passengers had used its temporary checking station structure and stated that queues were constantly moving with customers taking just over an hour to pass through checks.

A spokeswoman for Birmingham Airport told BirminghamLive: “As predicted, today was always going to be a busy departing day. Our temporary structure for busier days like this was used, as this is what it was planned for. At the main peak time customers queued just over an hour but the queue was constantly moving, with customers passing through the terminal quickly to access security.

“This morning alone, from the period of 0330-0700 hours, we have removed 0.8 tonnes of liquids, pastes and gels in containers that are over the 100ml allowed limit from hand baggage going through security.

“As always, we ask customers to check the container sizes that are in their hand luggage, all containers need to be under 100ml. Customers are also reminded to only arrive in time only with their airline’s check in desk opening time.”

Earlier, a passenger told BirminghamLive: “We have been queuing for over an hour and still not reached the lifts. It is a health and safety disaster as animals would not be treated so badly. I estimate at 05:30 there are approximately 1,000-plus people queuing. It’s running something akin to a third world operation.”

Current delays at Birmingham Airport follow passenger confusion over the amount of liquids they are allowed to carry in hand luggage. Earlier this month the Government reinstated the 100ml liquid restricitions at all UK airports after some airports had relaxed restrictions, allowing passengers to carry up to two litres of liquids in hand luggage.

A relax on restrictions at some airports occurred as new CT scanners had been installed and regulatory approval meant some airports could allow passengers to carry a larger amount of liquids. The Government legislation originally required all UK airports to install the new technology by June 1, but many airports failed to meet the deadline.

As a consequence, there has been widespread confusion experienced at airports across the UK throughout June, with many passengers exceeding the liquid restrictions.

Following the Government u-turn on June 9, all airports currently have restrictions in place that mean that passengers must only carry liquids, pastes or gels up to 100ml, in their hand luggage.

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