Last month, I pulled on my trusty hiking boots and set off on my fourth Coppafeel! Trek Half Marathon — an event that’s becoming a highlight of my year and one I find myself thinking about long after the last step has been taken.

Joined by over 300 incredible people, we raised a staggering £218,000 for breast cancer awareness. It blows my mind to think of the impact that will have.

But this trek wasn’t just about the money we raised, as INCREDIBLE as that is. For me, and for many others walking that day, it was about something much bigger. As someone living with incurable breast cancer and currently waiting for scan results, it was deeply personal.

It was about honouring those affected by breast cancer and carrying them in our hearts, spreading a message that could save lives, and building bonds with people who share a similar outlook on life.

Walking for a Cause to Save Lives

Coppafeel! is a charity dedicated to a simple but life-saving mission: encouraging everyone to regularly check their breasts, no matter their age or gender. Early detection is crucial, and Coppafeel! has been tireless in getting this message out to as many people as possible. Founded by Kris Hallenga, who was diagnosed with breast cancer at just 23, Coppafeel! has become a beacon of hope for the future of breast cancer, with early detection being at the core of their message.

For me, this mission has always felt deeply personal. Breast cancer has touched the lives of so many, and this trek is my way of contributing to the fight. It’s why I keep coming back year after year. Every time I do this, I’m reminded of just how important this cause is and how each step we take truly makes a difference.

The Highs and Lows of the Trek

I won’t lie, the trek is no walk in the park! The half marathon is physically demanding, with every mile testing your endurance. But while your legs ache and the terrain challenges you, the emotional journey is even more intense. Walking with others who’ve been affected by breast cancer, loved ones of those who’ve passed, and people walking in support of the cause — makes every step feel like it has a deeper, more urgent and powerful meaning…we all want to kick breast cancer in the ass!

Some people shared their stories as we walked, some heartbreaking and some beautifully uplifting. It’s hard not to get caught up in those emotions but I think this is what makes the Coppafeel! treks different from any other challenge: it’s not just about testing your physical limits; it’s about coming together to support something bigger than yourself.

Crossing the finish line was a mix of pure exhaustion and incredible joy. After hours of walking and burning hips, we were greeted by cheers and hugs and genuine joy. There was such a powerful sense of accomplishment in the air. But beyond the personal achievement, there was the realisation that we were all part of something much bigger. Every step, every blister, every aching muscle — it was all for a future where more people catch breast cancer early and more lives are saved.

Friendship, Community, and Support

One of the greatest gifts of doing these treks is the people you meet along the way. Every year, I’ve met incredible individuals who share the same passion for this cause. Some have walked for years, while others are first-timers, unsure of what to expect but determined to make a difference. These events are a perfect blend of friendship, community, and support. By the end of the day, you’re not just fellow walkers — you’re friends.

This year, I met people who came along solo, unsure of how the day would unfold. It didn’t take long for them to be scooped up into the Coppafeel! community. What’s amazing about this event is that anyone can apply — you don’t have to have been personally affected by breast cancer to join. Whether you’ve lost someone to the disease, are walking in honour of someone, or simply believe in the cause, everyone is welcome. There’s something beautiful about knowing you’re surrounded by people who, like you, care so much about making a difference.

And while many people do sign up in groups or with friends, plenty come alone, too. By the end of the trek, no one is really alone. It’s a community built on kindness, empathy, and a shared mission, and that’s what keeps people coming back year after year. We cheer each other on through the difficult parts, offer encouragement when someone needs a boost, and celebrate together when we finally reach that finish line. You’re never walking by yourself in this challenge — not really.

Queen of the Mountains

Giovanna Fletcher’s warmth, energy, and true dedication to this charity is honestly something else. She walks alongside the trekkers, always with a genuine interest in what has brought people there. She encourages and celebrates in equal measure, and anyone who’s lucky enough to spend time in her company instantly feels at ease. What a woman!

She gives up so much of her time to be involved, and I, for one, will be forever grateful that she exists in the world.

Charity Challenge and the Power of Encouragement

The Coppafeel! trek wouldn’t be possible without the incredible organization from Charity Challenge, which ensures every detail is taken care of, from the logistics to the support we receive along the way. Their involvement helps create an environment where everyone, no matter their fitness level or experience, feels empowered to take on the trek.

Knowing that there’s a team behind you — not just physically, but emotionally, too — makes all the difference. Whether it’s your first time or your tenth, the encouragement you receive from the organisers, volunteers, and fellow walkers spurs you on when you think you can’t take another step. And that sense of support doesn’t just come from the logistics side — it comes from being surrounded by people who are walking for a cause they believe in.

The Coppafeel! Team of Dreams

Ahhhh the fantastic Coppafeel! Team of Dreams. Their dedication and enthusiasm are unmatched, and they work tirelessly to make each trek experience incredible. Their support, encouragement, and camaraderie create an atmosphere that truly brings the event to life and helps everyone push through the toughest parts. Truly the best charity I’ve ever known who very clearly only employ brilliant humans.

Why I Keep Coming Back

This year’s trek was, like the three before it, unforgettable. Every time I take part, I’m reminded of the power of community, the importance of raising awareness, and how much good we can do when we come together. It’s about more than the physical challenge — it’s about pushing yourself to do something that really matters and knowing that every pound raised, every step taken, contributes to a better future.

Aside from that, you get to meet people who will share their stories, want to connect on a new level, and will definitely become friends for life.

I’ll be back again next year. Because as long as breast cancer affects lives, there will always be more steps to take. And I’ll be walking every single one, surrounded by new friends and familiar faces, for a cause that truly makes a difference. Who’s coming?! Register your interest here:

Side note: do the half, not the full — I’ve done both, and not only did the full almost kill me, but I pretty much passed out in the van immediately after. This time, I had so much more fun and time to catch up, sit around the fire, and cheer all the others coming through the finish line. What dreams are made of.

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