Only 36% of people with the condition are clinically diagnosed
Olympic swimmer Rebecca Adlington announced she had recently been diagnosed with Coeliac disease and has taken to Instagram to voice her concerns about the UK government’s actions. The gold medallist highlighted the importance of gluten-free prescriptions in managing this condition, warning against the cuts to these prescriptions in some areas.
But what exactly is coeliac disease? What are gluten-free prescriptions and why is the Government reducing them?
Coeliac disease is a lifelong autoimmune disorder where the immune system attacks healthy tissues, typically triggered by the consumption of gluten. This reaction prevents the absorption of nutrients, leading to potential complications such as anaemia, lactose intolerance and even diabetes.
According to Coeliac UK, it takes an average of 13 years from the onset of initial symptoms for a person to be diagnosed. This delay often occurs because symptoms may be overlooked, dismissed or misdiagnosed.
The charity estimates that around half a million people suffering from the disease remain undiagnosed. Symptoms can vary from person to person but generally include:
- Bloating
- Diarrhoea
- Nausea
- Wind
- Constipation
- Tiredness
- Anaemia,
- Mouth ulcers
- Sudden or unexpected weight loss
- Skin rash (dermatitis herpetiformis)
The primary treatment for coeliac disease typically involves a strict gluten-free diet. This approach effectively manages the current symptoms and also reduces the patient’s future risk of bowel cancer and Hodgkin lymphoma, cancers that are more prevalent among coeliac patients.
Gluten-free prescriptions, as mentioned by the BBC sports presenter, are made to recognise this vital treatment. In certain qualifying regions of the UK, coeliac patients can obtain a prescription from their doctor, which allows them to access gluten-free alternatives to staple foods from their pharmacist.
Coeliac UK explained that these prescriptions acknowledge the significance of a strict gluten-free diet for patients and assist in addressing the challenges they encounter when sourcing gluten-free alternatives. Including the higher cost of gluten-free foods, the limited availability, and inconsistent supply.
In England, these prescriptions are restricted to bread and flour mixes, in areas where the scheme hasn’t been entirely discontinued. The charity pointed out: “In Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, anyone with a diagnosis of coeliac disease can access gluten free staple products such as bread, flour and pasta in line with national prescribing guidelines.”
For further information about coeliac disease, gluten-free prescriptions, and how to seek assistance if your area doesn’t provide these prescriptions, visit the Coeliac UK website. Earlier this month, the charity also submitted a petition to Downing Street advocating for the protection of gluten-free prescriptions.