With high temperatures scorching the UK, what you put in your mouth could be the key to staying cool this summer – Dr Karan Raj recommends trying these two foods during the next heatwave

What’s on your plate could help you get through this sizzling summer (and no, we’re not talking about ice lollies).

Wind and rain are predicted to hit the UK in the next couple of days, providing a momentary lapse of relief for Brits who struggled to sleep through soaring temperatures. But more mini heatwaves are likely to hit in the coming months.

If you’ve exhausted all the usual hacks to stay cool, like foiling your windows, putting ice in front of the fan, and swapping your duvet out for a thin sheet – you might want to turn to your diet…

NHS Surgeon and lecturer Doctor Karan Raj shared three ‘unusual’ hacks to keep cool back in 2022. But with the UK’s temperature exceeding 30C in the last few days, the handy tips have recirculated. “Eat something spicy,” the doctor said.

“The fiery chemical capsaicin found in spicy food binds to heat receptors throughout your body raising your internal temperature. This increases blood circulation and sweating: as the sweat evaporates from your body it removes heat, cooling you down.”

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Dr Raj also recommended eating or drinking mint, such as spearmints or mint tea. “Menthol binds to a protein in your body that is sensitive to the cold,” he explained. “So, it tricks your brain giving you the illusion of a cold sensation.”

Non-food related, the expert urged people to ‘go for green’. “Plants don’t just block the sun, they’re actually natural air conditioners,” he said. “Plants take moisture from the soil and then exhale it through its leaves.”

Hundreds of viewers flocked to the comments section to hail the hacks, with many joking they should ‘eat spicy mints in a forest’ to cool down. “I wish I saw this during the heatwave,” said one user. Another wrote: “I knew about mint and a nice shade under trees does good. Have to try the spicy one.” While a third added: “Chillies always work.”

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