Celebs like Gwyneth Paltrow, Ashley Graham, and Erling Haaland are all over the new snooze sensation: mouth taping. With a simple strip of tape over their lips, they’re championing this sleep trend to kick snoring to the curb and wave goodbye to the dreaded dry mouth in the morning.
But is this easy DIY trick really the snore-stopper it’s hyped up to be, or is it just passing fad?
Dr Hana Patel, our NHS GP and sleep guru from Time4Sleep, breaks it down: “Mouth taping is the act of putting medical or masking tape over the mouth while sleeping at night,” she told us. “TikTok influencers claim it quiets snoring and prevents morning dry mouth.”
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“The goal is to encourage breathing through the nose rather than the mouth at night. Breathing out of your mouth during sleep can cause several issues.” She adds.
If you’ve suffered from a dry, scratchy throat or that annoying cough when you wake up, it could be down to being a mouth breather, reports the Express.
“Breathing in and out of the mouth can cause your airways to become dry and irritated, leading to hypersensitive airways, a dry mouth, sore throat and irritating cough,” says Dr Patel, and here’s the kicker – it might even mess with your sleep, sparking disorders like sleep apnoea. But nose-breathing isn’t just about dodging discomfort, it’s about giving the air a good clean.
“Nasal breathing has a number of benefits, including air conditioning and filtration.”
When we breathe through our noses, we’re not just taking in air – we’re making sure it’s top quality. “Our noses filter the air that we breathe, removing materials such as dust, pollen, ash, bacteria and hazardous particles,” Patel unveils.
Plus, it preps the air before it hits our lungs, helping keep them less annoyed.
Nasal breathing can also contribute to more restorative sleep. “Nasal passages slow the airflow, which soothes the breath and promotes deeper sleep, akin to the benefits of yoga and mindfulness practices,” says Dr Rizwan Mahmood, dentist, doctor, and co-founder of luxury dental clinics, Ruh Dental.
“Mouth taping helps maintain this nasal breathing pattern, potentially leading to better energy levels and improved recovery upon waking.”
So why has mouth taping surged in popularity?
“As people shift towards lifestyle changes that prioritise long-term health, mouth taping fits in with habits like intermittent fasting and cold plunges,” Mahmood suggests. High-profile endorsements, from footballers to actors, have undoubtedly boosted its popularity.
“Notably, footballer Erling Haaland has incorporated mouth taping into his nighttime routine to enhance his athletic performance,” Mahmood points out. “Gwyneth Paltrow has also adopted mouth taping as part of her daily routine, claiming that it’s the best wellness tool she has discovered.”
But are there any risks associated with using mouth tape when you sleep?
Dr Bhavini Shah from LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor has sounded the alarm on the dangers of mouth taping while sleeping, warning: “While intentional nose breathing during waking hours can help slow down breathing and ease anxiety, taping your mouth while sleeping can be dangerous,” She details the potential hazards, explaining, “It can lead to hampered breathing, disrupted sleep, and skin irritation.”
Additionally, she advises that it might not be appropriate for everyone, particularly those with certain health issues. Mahmood chimes in, noting the speculative nature of the supposed benefits and the unsuitability for some people: “Many of the benefits are anecdotal, and the technique may not be suitable for everyone, particularly individuals with pre-existing respiratory issues or sleep disorders such as obstructive sleep apnoea,” He underscores the need for expert guidance, recommending, “Before trying mouth taping, it is crucial to consult your doctor or a sleep specialist.”
He also cautions against the practice for those with particular health concerns: “Nasal obstructions, undiagnosed sleep apnoea, or other respiratory conditions could make mouth taping unsafe.”
When it comes to snoring solutions, Patel mentioned a variety of alternatives: “There are multiple treatments which can help the symptoms associated with mouth breathing,” listing some possible remedies like, “A mandibular advancement device, vestibular shields (chin strap), nasal dilators or medicated sprays may be prescribed depending on your needs.”
Patel also recommended an easy exercise to practice nasal breathing without having to tape your mouth: “Sit comfortably with a straight back, legs uncrossed and knees shoulder-width apart,” sharing precise guidance, “Look straight ahead, slightly upwards or close your eyes.”
He added, “Place one hand on your upper chest and one on your lower chest and settle yourself by breathing smoothly and quietly through your nose.
“After a couple of minutes, move your hand from your upper chest to rest in your lap. Relax the rest of your muscles, for example in your face and jaw, neck and shoulders, lower abdomen, hips and legs.”