Dr Mindy Pelz, a health expert, has warned against consuming sugary foods, ‘toxic’ oils and processed meat, as they can increase the risk of cancer

A health expert has issued a warning on the latest episode of hit podcast show ‘Diary Of A CEO’, revealing three foods that could lead to cancer. Dr Mindy Pelz told listeners to steer clear of sugar, chemicals and processed meats, which have been linked to the disease.

Host Steven Bartlett quizzed: “Are there foods that you consider to be cancer feeding? ” Dr Pelz responded with a stark warning about the big three culprits.

She delved into the dangers of processed meats, sugar and chemical. She added: “Processed meats have chemicals in them.”

Referencing a piece of research about the link between processed meat and cancer, Dr Pelz cautioned: “I don’t want to misquote the study, but the general theme was when you had processed meats consistently throughout a week, you had a higher case of leukaemia.”

Dr Pelz also pointed out sugary breakfast cereals and other seemingly innocent snacks, blasting them for being packed with chemical and ‘toxic’ oils. “The sugar cereals are packed with – chemicals, toxic oils – and donuts, juice boxes, yoghurts… Oh, my gosh,” she exclaimed.

While sugar itself isn’t labelled as a direct cause of cancer, Dr Pelz highlighted the obesity link. She noted that excessive sugar intake, particularly from processed items, can lead to obesity, which is a major cancer risk factor.

Explaining further, she pointed out: “All those things I just mentioned are obesogens.” When probed by Bartlett about what an obesogen is, Dr Pelz clarified: “Obesogens turn our stem cells into fat cells… a stem cell is a cell that can go anywhere in the body, and it can repair anything.

“It can make anything. So it’s like a universal cell. It can do anything. It can make an eyeball. It can make an ankle. You have a tonne of them when you’re little and you lose them after about 30, you don’t lose them completely, but you start to get less of them.”

However, Dr Pelz warns that the more obesogens there are in your body, the more they will reprogram stem cells and turn them into fat cells. “These massive influxes of chemicals is contributing to obesity – and specifically in a younger generation,” she cautioned.

There is a well-established link between obesity and the risk of developing cancer. Research has shown that excessive body fat can increase the likelihood of various types of cancer, such as colorectal, post-menopausal breast, uterine, oesophageal, kidney, and pancreatic cancers.

Cancer Research UK states that being overweight and obese is the second biggest cause of cancer in the UK responsible for more than one in 20 cancer cases. The risk increases with the amount of excess weight and the duration of being overweight.

A spokesperson explained: “Extra fat in the body doesn’t just sit there, it’s active and send out signals to the rest of your body. These signals can tell cells in our body to divide more often, which can lead to cancer.

“The signals released by fat cells can affect growth hormones and sex hormones. As well as inflammation as immune cells go to areas of the body where there are lots of fat cells. This can lead to inflammation, which causes cells to divide quicker. Over time, this can increase the risk of cancer.”

Maintaining a healthy weight can reduce the risk of 13 different types of cancer. Dr Pelz suggests that there are ways to actively decrease the amount of obesogens entering your body – simply by reading ingredient labels on food.

“So the first thing I do on every anything that’s packaged is I go straight to the ingredients – and this is so easy,” she said. “All you’ve got to do is look at those ingredients and ask yourself, ‘do I know every single one of those ingredients?’

“And if you don’t, entertain yourself and go look them up. I actually did this with my nephew years ago. He brought me some frozen waffles… he started to read and he couldn’t get through like the third ingredient, it was a chemical.”

Dr Peltz revealed that after she asked her nephew to research the chemical on the internet, he discovered it is a cancer causing chemical. “I said, ‘yeah, you’re right, it is,'” she added.

“What’s happening is that these chemicals are allowed in our food that promote disease. And so then once you have that idea and you know the ingredients are the most important and you follow, is it a chemical? Is it a real food? Then the next thing you can do is really stay away from anything with an ingredient label.”

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