Hidden among the huge blue flowers and ginormous leaves is one sneaky cat that only the sharpest brainteaser buffs could spot. Are you cut out for the challenge?

Get ready – this tricky (but quite cute) brainteaser might just leave you baffled.

Take a look at the image below, and you’d be forgiven for thinking this was an ever-so-ordinary garden snap. Huge blue flowers and even larger leaves crowd the focus against a backdrop of numerous towering trees.

And while you may have noticed the rather fetching patio chairs, this isn’t what we’re looking for today. In the midst of this very green scene, unveiled on Reddit, is one sneaky cat.

Spotting them however, is no easy task. Perhaps you’ll even need to muster some supersonic vision – but do you think you’re cut out for it?

Although brainteasers are very fun, they’re also great at keeping our minds active. Research, led by the University of Exeter, shows that thrashing away at puzzles like crosswords and sudoku can keep our brains tip-top, with a potential link to keeping dementia at bay.

“We’ve found the more regularly people engage with puzzles such as crosswords and Sudoku, the sharper their performance is across a range of tasks assessing memory, attention and reasoning,” Dr Anne Corbett, of the University of Exeter Medical School, said at the time.

“The improvements are particularly clear in the speed and accuracy of their performance. In some areas the improvement was quite dramatic – on measures of problem-solving, people who regularly do these puzzles performed equivalent to an average of eight years younger compared to those who don’t.”

Struggling to find the crafty animal? It may help to examine the gaps between each leaf in the forefront of this picture.

The colour of this cat is also a big reason why they blend in so well – completely camouflaged as if they were a chameleon. If you’re still completely lost however, don’t stress, the answer is a few sentences away.

But be warned, you’ll be kicking yourself once you see where they’re hiding. Spoiler alert: it’s pretty obvious.

Go back and look at the photo, directing your focus to the top right-hand side. You’ll see a big tree behind the fence, located between two windows of the neighbour’s house.

Trace the trunk of that tree all the way down, past the blue flowers and green leaves until you see a shadowy, black gap. Zoom in and you’ll notice a pair of eyes peering out from the darkness.

That’s the crafty feline!

Did you find the sneaky cat? Let us know in the comment section below

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