A cleaning expert has shared a natural way to clean showerheads without the need for harsh chemicals – and it’s all about the white vinegar

Showerheads can become a hotspot for grime and limescale – particularly in hard water areas – accumulating limescale, soap scum, body oils and even mildew that leads to mould.

However, there’s no need to panic as they can be easily cleaned with natural products and simple tools. A cleaning expert has revealed that ditching harsh chemicals for natural solutions like white vinegar not only saves cash but is also better for your health over time. Laura Harnett, the brains behind Seep eco-cleaning products, said that white vinegar is the go-to for a cleaner showerhead.

If you’re able to detach your showerhead, it should be soaked overnight in a bucket or sink full of white vinegar – just make sure the rubber washer doesn’t get lost. For nickel, gold, or brass heads, a 30-minute soak will do.

Laura recommends: “Rinse the shower head with warm water and then scrub with an old toothbrush to remove any mould that’s clinging on. Vinegar is a natural disinfectant so the shower head will be super hygienic as well as sparkling clean.”

If you can’t remove the showerhead, fear not – the same effect can be achieved by securing a plastic bag filled with vinegar around the showerhead using an elastic band. Bicarbonate of soda can also be used to remove limescale and scum – it should be mixed with water to make a stiff paste to scrub away tougher residue. As a final step, a lemon can be rubbed over the showerhead to make it look as good as new.

If you don’t have the ingredients needed, they can be purchased cheaply. Wilko Original White Vinegar costs £1.50 for one litre and Dri-Pak Pure White Vinegar costs £2 for 500ml from Ocado.

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