A TikTok user has shared a simple hack to keep your shower head clean and free of limescale, and it’s really easy – all you’ll need is some white vinegar and a plastic bag

With the never-ending list of tasks to clean and organise around the house, some key spots might accidentally be overlooked, yet they’re just as crucial to keep tidy.

For instance, consider your shower – it’s probably a daily necessity for you, but can you recall the last time you really gave it a thorough freshen-up? TikToker @purdyandfigg has uploaded a clip for clean freaks demonstrating the easiest way to ensure showers stay sparkling using minimal elbow grease.

The video starts off with: “Things in your home you should clean but probably forget about”. As the clip unfolds, we’re drawn incrementally closer to the shower, which the TikTok suggests is the focus of this cleaning exposition. Zooming in on the shower head, the narrator warns: “Shower taps can get filled with dirt and limescale.”

Offering up a nifty cleaning shortcut, the TikToker reveals: “Hack: Fill a bag with white vinegar and leave for 30 minutes.” This method promises an effortless route to a sparkly finish, as the video advice declares: “It’s so much easier than scrubbing and makes it so clean and shiny.”

Further validating the shower-cleaning hack, the TikTok post comes aptly titled: “White vinegar to the rescue!”, and indeed, all it takes is half-filling a plastic zipper bag with vinegar, according to Real Homes’ guide. Wrap the plastic bag around the shower head, ensuring it’s fully submerged in the cleaning solution. Secure it with an elastic band and leave it to soak for a few hours, or even better, overnight.

The hack has been met with high praise in the comments section. One person exclaimed: “YES I do this all the time. It’s INSANE how I used to live before this.” Another curious user asked: “How often should this be done?” to which the original poster replied: “Once a month”.

A grateful commenter added: “This helps, thanks”. @purdyandfigg chimed in further down, highlighting that this method is a great substitute for ‘harsh toxic chemicals’ and is a more ‘natural’ option.

Another individual was surprised by the use of vinegar, saying: “I didn’t know you could clean that with vinegar! Thank you for this!” Echoing the sentiment of tried-and-tested wisdom, one TikToker shared: “Used this hack since forever, learned it from my mum. Definitely can recommend.”

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