The latest addition to the internet’s list of light-hearted names for nationally important = events is here, following on from Platty Joobs, Cozzie Livs and Statey Funes, the new offering is divisive

Rishi Sunak’s announcement yesterday that voters will be heading to the polls in just six week’s time took many by surprise but that has not stopped jokers on social media from already coining a divisive new handle.

Just moments after Rishi Sunak made his soggy speech, announcing that the nation would be heading to the polls on July 4th amid the pouring rain, as 1997 Labour theme tune Things Can Only Get Better blasted in the background, the internet had already started working on memes about it.

Following the viral popularity of terms like Platty Joobs and the Cozzie Livs which took the internet by storm, renaming the Platinum Jubilee and cost of living crisis, the internet has coined a new moniker for the upcoming general election, dubbing it Genny Lex.

As surprised politicians and journalists began talking through the ramifications of Sunak’s surprise announcement, social media users began the fierce debate over what to call the coming elections.

“If I see one more person calling the general election the ‘genny lex’ I’m going to have a meaty b [mental breakdown],” one commenter on X, formerly Twitter, joked. “Genny Lex sounds like someone who came 6th on Love Island, didn’t get any brand deals & now sells crystals on TikTok live,” said another.

Love it or hate it, the phrase has taken the meme-making online community by storm, with imagery from The Simpsons to Mean Girls and Elton John pressed into service to announce the coming elections.

However, it is not to everyone’s taste. With six weeks still to go until polling day some internet users have already clearly had enough. “Just to clarify I will be muting anyone who calls it a ‘genny lex’ or similar derivative,” wrote one X user. “Saying ‘Genny lex’ is disgusting. And I loved platty joobs,” agreed another.

Other users hailed Rishi Sunak’s speech in the pouring rain by posting an image of Kermit the frog getting a bucket of water upended over him. Meanwhile, another shared an image from the movie Legally Blonde with the tagline: “You look like the Fourth of July!”

Back in Westminster, and away from the memes, the political parties are starting campaigning today (Thursday) with the Conservatives battling to overturn Labour’s 25-point lead in the polls.

Rishi Sunak has embarked on a tour of the UK that will see him visit all four nations in 48 hours following his launch of the Conservative election campaign in London yesterday. Keir Starmer has headed to south-east England, a key battleground for Labour who are hoping to win over voters in Tory areas.

The announcement from a damp podium outside 10 Downing Street took many by surprise after many in Westminster had been expecting an autumn election. Even Sunak’s own cabinet said they had been kept in the dark about the move, with Home Secretary James Cleverly admitting to ITV’s Peston “We don’t get particular advance notice”.

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