At least eight schoolboys allegedly attacked a disabled student in Spain – they are accused of allegedly gang-raping the 12-year-old girl whilst they were on break at school

A group of young boys has been accused of allegedly pulling a disabled girl into their school toilets and gang-raping her – but will not be investigated further.

The suspects, who are believed to be at least eight students aged between 11 and 12, attacked the 12-year-old girl at their school in Peñaflor, Seville, Spain. According to reports, the vulnerable child was “removed from the sight of students and teachers and taken to the girl’s bathroom” during a break.

In the days after the incident, the girl’s family noticed something was wrong with her after she began to display “strange” behaviour and “bad manners when normally she is not like that.” Her grandmother described the ordeal and said the little girl has been through “hell” since the attack.

The grandmother, who wishes to remain anonymous, told Telemadrid how the girl didn’t want to return to school and hasn’t been able to eat or sleep. While her grandfather said the school has suggested that the attack didn’t happen, according to Sur in English. He explained: “After appearing very nervous, she confessed to us, her older sister and me, what had been done to her, and even revealed, one by one, who the attackers were.”

He added: “I am eagerly awaiting the medical report so I can show it to the school principal, who doesn’t believe this happened, even if I have to go to his house to present it.” However, Spanish Juvenile states that when a perpetrator of rape is under the age of 14, they won’t be held liable under the law. Due to the loophole, the case has been sent to Child Protection Services.

Andalusia’s Councillor for Social Inclusion, Youth, Families and Equality, Loles Lopez, addressed a press conference last week and said: “From now on what we are going to do is put in place all the mechanisms for the protection of the girl, obviously, to fund the origin of this conduct, and based on that, adopt the appropriate measures”.

The legalities have sparked backlash on social media after it was revealed that the boys will not be investigated further, reports The Sun. One Twitter user said: “If legislation is not urgently passed, these atrocities will continue, once again in a school that washes its hands”. Another user wrote: “Please, what is happening to society? Clearly we are doing it wrong and we are doing wrong to children”.

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