Georgia said she was living ‘more like housemates than a couple’ with her husband of more than 20 years before starting an affair

A 51-year-old mum from Maidenhead has revealed that starting an affair after more than two decades of marriage has significantly improved her life, and she’s not sorry about it. Georgia (not her real name) noticed her mental and physical health declining as she reached her fifties.

She initially joined the extramarital dating site for physical satisfaction but found much more, a trend the site claims is growing among its users. Georgia claimed she and her husband had been in a “sexless relationship” for ten years, living “more like housemates than a couple”, even sleeping in separate bedrooms for as long as she could remember.

Despite raising two adult children together over their 20+ year marriage, things took a turn when she hit 50. Feeling “lonely, unseen and unheard”, she was becoming increasingly depressed, often resorting to “alcohol and comfort foods to cope”. In search of what she thought was missing from her husband, she signed up for and began a secret relationship, believing casual hookups could fill the void.

However, she confessed that the attention from her secret lover “made me feel alive again” and had a positive impact on her mental health. She also found herself motivated to eat healthier, hit the gym and reduce her alcohol intake, which boosted her self-confidence as the affair made her “no longer feel like I’m wasting my life”.

Georgia has no regrets about her clandestine relationship, stating: “My affair opened my eyes to what I was missing, and it gave me the courage to focus on my well-being. It’s not just about sex – it’s about feeling valued and understood. I’m not sorry for it.”

Jessica Leoni, a sex and relationships expert at, pointed out that Georgia’s story isn’t unique as many users start affairs as “a way of seeking happiness and mental clarity”. The expert added: “It can be an opportunity for personal growth, self-discovery, and even healing… Not all affairs should be considered bad. In some cases they really are saving lives.”

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