The boy clung to a balcony rail where he dangled about 60ft from the ground for over a minute while people watched and screamed in horror as the alarming incident unfolded

Russia: Child hangs from fifth floor balcony in Angarsk

Heart-stopping footage shows a home alone boy desperately clinging to a balcony rail for 61 seconds from the fifth floor of his high rise.

After his mother went out shopping, the five year old climbed over the rail, apparently hoping to visit his friend in the flat below in Angarsk, Russia. He was left dangling over a 60ft drop as passersby below screamed in terror.

People watched as he clung on, unable to get either down or back up. Thankfully, there was a happy ending as the male neighbour in the flat below heard the commotion and ran to pull the child to safety.

The moment of his rescue was shown on the video. The Russian Investigative Committee has launched a criminal probe into his mother’s action in leaving him home alone.

She could face up to three years in prison for “failing to fulfil parental duties”. The Angarsk prosecutor’s office said a probe was underway.

There have been numerous incidents where children have been saved from precarious situations. A mother saved her son from falling off a fourth-floor balcony thanks to her incredible reflexes.

The incident, that happened in Colombia back in 2019, the mother managed to hold onto her son’s feet and was able to bring him back to safety. The mum was praised for her incredible reflexes as she managed to jump to the boy’s rescue within seconds.

A delivery man was also seen helping to rescue the boy. Employees from a construction company also rushed to help after they realised what happened. A toddler was saved from drowning by his older brother after he fell headfirst into a swimming poll with no adults in sight.

The young tot walked over to a swimming pool and looked in before bending down to retrieve something. But instead he lost his balance and fell headfirst into the water.

Incredibly the boy’s older brother raced in and managed to save the tot. The incident happened in Brazil back in 2018.

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