A man has been left heartbroken after stumbling on a secret box hidden in his wife’s wardrobe – as the contents could end up completely destroying their marriage

Finding out your partner is keeping secrets can be heartwrenching.

Trust is an important part of any relationship, as without it, many relationships completely crumble. Many things can weaken the trust between two people, but one of the biggest causes in relationships is cheating. Once your partner has been unfaithful and shown they can go behind your back to see other people, it can be very hard to continue a romance with them, and for most couples, that spells disaster.

One man is learning that firsthand as he claimed his marriage is on the verge of collapse after he discovered his wife was keeping a huge secret from him. He explained he stumbled on a mystery box in her wardrobe while he was cleaning the house, and what he found inside left him feeling “betrayed”.

In a post on Reddit, the man claimed his wife – whom he has been married to for 10 years – recently went away on a girls’ trip with some of her friends. While she was away, he decided to “deep clean the house” as a “nice gesture” and knows his wife likes to come back to a clean home.

But when he was cleaning inside her wardrobe, he found a box. Curiosity got the better of him and he opened it, and was stunned to find letters, photographs, and most shockingly, a burner phone.

He said: “The letters were love notes, but not from me. They were from someone named ‘A’. The photos were of my wife and this guy, looking very cosy. And the phone? It was full of texts between her and ‘A’. I read enough to know this had been going on for at least six months. They’d been meeting up while I was at work, during her ‘girls’ trips’, and who knows when else.”

The man said felt “sick” and “betrayed” by what he read, and he confronted his wife over the box when she returned from her trip. His wife didn’t deny the affair, and instead apologised and claimed it “just happened”.

He added: “She’s staying with a friend now, and I’m sitting here in our empty house, trying to make sense of it all. Part of me wants to forgive her, but another part is screaming that I’ll never be able to trust her again.”

Commenters on the post were sympathetic to the man’s plight, with many telling him his wife only admitted because she got caught, so he should consider ending their marriage.

One person said: “You’ll likely never get over this because like others have said she didn’t confess, she got caught. The dynamic of that alone would haunt me.”

Another added: “Move on. She didn’t mean to hurt you? And that it just happened? Dude… she has a secret love box for him. End it. All the trust for her is put the window.”

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