Life coach Kelly Baum was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) at the age of 30 and shared the five ‘little-known’ behaviours that can be signs

We’re constantly digging up new insights on the quirks commonly found among people with ADHD.

A life coach has just laid bare five lesser-known behaviours exhibited by individuals with the neurodivergent condition – including herself. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) influences behaviour and can make folks appear hyperactive, scatterbrained and impulsive, as per NHS findings.

Kelly Baum, hailing from the US and diagnosed with ADHD at 30, was astounded by the revelation of how her personal peculiarities linked to the disorder. “Honestly my mind was blown when I found out about these after my late diagnosis,” she remarked in her TikTok video description.

Kelly sheds light on one such habit: people with ADHD might loop a single song for ages, extracting every ounce of emotion, until they can’t stand it anymore. Another is stalling over minute chores that would take mere moments. “Even though you know it will literally take you five minutes, you cannot get yourself to do it,” she explains.

No amount of self-encouraging or nudging from others seems to kickstart action, according to Kelly. Kelly opened up on the lesser-known habits of individuals with ADHD, illuminating how they frequently bump into furniture. She clarified: “ADHD and neurodivergence can impact your proprioception which is your awareness of the position and movement of your body,” Additionally, she dropped a surprising fact about caffeine’s effect on those with ADHD, mentioning it may actually trigger drowsiness.

“This has to do with the fact they have a lower dopamine level. When you drink coffee it raises your dopamine levels and things even out and you feel a little bit more relaxed, kind of like a stimulant medication dose,” Kelly elaborated.

She wrapped up her insights by discussing why people with ADHD might linger in their car post-arrival: “This is because they often struggle with switching tasks. It’s like you’ve got to work yourself up for it,” she said. Since its posting, Kelly’s video has gone viral with over 3.2 million views, sparking an avalanche of comments from viewers who related deeply to her points.

One remarked: “Diagnosed with ADHD here and I listened to the same three songs all summer lmao”, while another shared, “I will literally sit in my car for an hour after I get home… Now I know why!” The revelations continued as a third user confessed: “Wow, I thought I was the only person that just sat in my car like that,” and another quipped, “Not me walking around my house with no lights for months bc I don’t want to change the bulbs. I have the bulbs.”

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