A makeup-loving mum known for her inventive World Book Day costumes helped transform her son into a young Donald Trump

A mum who let her son dress up as Donald Trump for World Book Day says she hopes his school will “see the funny side.” Melissa Wright, a makeup artist from Surrey, is known for her creative flair with costumes.

She previously went viral after her son dressed up as Prince Harry for World Book Day in 2023. This year, five-year-old Ellis had another famous face in mind: the US President.

Melissa told the Mirror she had prepared another costume for her son, hoping he’d want to dress up as a character from ‘Aliens Love Underpants.’ She explained: “He was always going to go to school in that. Trump was more as a joke between the Reception mums group and friends. Well this morning Ellis had other ideas.

“We were against the clock. They have to be at school at 8am. He was adamant he wasn’t wearing the alien outfit and was going as Trump. That was it. I asked my boyfriend to take him in as I was quite mortified.”

Ellis acknowledged that the costume had received a mixed reaction. “My family were against the idea because of some of the nasty comments I received when Ellis was Harry,” she explained. “The other parents massively encouraged it. Ellis’s friend’s mum said she should have gone as Melania. They all found the funny side.”

Still, she sent the alien costume to school with Ellis in case he changed his mind. According to Melissa, Ellis loves everything American. “[His sister] had been sitting the 11+ exam recently so was watching the news for interview questions. Ellis took a keen interest too. He loves America; he’s desperate to go.”

His mum purchased Daniel A Stevens’ book ‘Not Nice, Donny!’ and the rest is history. Melissa, who doesn’t count herself as one of Trump’s fans, said: “I would 100% rather he went as the alien. I know he’s five and I could have just made him, but it’s meant to be a fun day and he was crying about not being the alien.”

Reflecting on her son’s standout costumes, she added: “I think Prince Harry was great. This is probably unnecessarily controversial, but the book I referred to is brilliant. I guess it’s still topical and it’s important children know what’s going on in the world, provided it’s age-appropriate.”

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