A former Starbucks barista has given her top tips on how you can save money on your order just by making some small adjustments to how you opt to ask for your drink

A former Starbucks barista has revealed their top-tips for getting the most from your money at the coffee chain.

Inga Parkel has pointed out the seven mistakes customers make when ordering their favourite beverage – and what you can do to avoid them. The former employee eagerly shared her tips for what you might be missing as she used her expertise to help consumers.

Firstly if you’re feeling the heat and opting for a cold drink then perhaps it makes sense that to get more for your money you ask them to go light on the ice. She said: “The easiest way to avoid spending an arm and a leg on half a cup of ice with a hint of the beverage is just to specify that you’d like light ice.”

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The option of “light ice” is even available on the Starbucks app although you might not realise it. You can also use this tip anywhere where you might place and order for a drink with ice. Talking to Business Insider Inga also suggested that if it’s an Americano you desire you should avoid ordering one directly as a grande size – which is three shots of espresso plus water – will set you back £4.

Instead you should ask for a double or triple shot of espresso in a grande cup, then ask for separate pour of water, bringing savings of up to £1. Inga also says to avoid hot venti latte’s or cappuccino orders when you’re seeking a caffeine boost.

This is because they only contain two shots of espresso – the same amount you get in a grande – resulting in “a more diluted caffeine-to-coffee ratio” at a higher price. Inga also suggests you should always bring your own cup in order to take advantage of the reusable scheme.

The discount scheme will pick you up a 10p discount on your drink and additional rewards points and you can use any cup – not just Starbucks branded ones. Inga then suggested that when you need some simple refreshment, always ask your barista for a cup of water instead of buying a bottle.

She said: “I’ve always been baffled by people who insist on buying bottled water from Starbucks. I can understand if you absolutely need something unopened, but other than that, there’s no reason to pay full price for the one thing the chain offers for free.”

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