Julie Whiting says she’s stopped washing her bedding as it’s a ‘time-sapping’ chore, and nobody in her family has noticed – but she’s not the only one shirking the housework

The joy of slipping into freshly washed bedding is unparalleled, but one mum has decided it’s just not worth the effort.

Experts have long advised that households should wash their bed covers and bottom sheets weekly (including pillowcases) to eliminate bacteria and prevent health issues such as acne and respiratory problems. Despite this, Julie Whiting has given up on this seemingly endless task, claiming no one in her family ever really appreciated or even noticed her efforts.

In a 2020 article for Kidspot.com.au, Whiting wrote: “Washing bedding saps a lot of time for minimal reward. Crisp sheets only feel good for about one minute after I get into bed, and they don’t improve my quality of sleep.”

She added: “Nobody else in my family even notices, so there are no pats on the back for being a domestic goddess.” She then questioned what the consequences of not changing the sheets as often would be, before concluding that there were none. “My partner and kids don’t implore me to launder them or notice either way.

“Contrary to what the propaganda tells us should happen, I am not drowning in phlegm or regret or anything else,” she stated. Whiting isn’t the only one neglecting their cleaning responsibilities.

A recent survey by Showers to You, involving 2,000 UK residents, revealed that a third of participants only wash their towels once every three months. Shockingly, eight per cent confessed to washing them just twice a year, while three per cent admitted their towels only hit the laundry once annually. .

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