Locals with expert knowledge are trying to retrace Jay Slater’s movements in the Parque Rural de Teno, and they believe there’s a key issue that may have prevented the search teams from locating the missing teen

Jay Slater’s family is having to rely on expert volunteers after Spanish police called off their official search for the missing teen.

After two weeks of scouring the Parque Rural de Teno area close to the village of Masca in Tenerife, where Jay had stayed at an Airbnb, a Civil Guard representative announced: “The search operation has now finished although the case remains open.” Now, three weeks on since the 19-year-old vanished on the morning of June 17, dad Warren Slater, mum Debbie Duncan, and older brother Zak are being supported by experts in the area.

One of whom is Christopher Pennington, a former British military serviceman who moved out to Tenerife in 2006 after ‘falling in love’ with the Canary Island. Chris, a property developer who is drawing on the skills learnt in his former career, was in disbelief when the hunt was called off by the authorities.

He slammed the police for having only ‘stuck to the paths’ after assuming Jay did the same. “This area has not been searched properly,” he declared to Mail+. Working his way around the rugged terrain of the Parque Rural de Teno, where the search has focused since the apprentice bricklayer was reported missing, Chris came across a fresh ‘clue’.

Just days after cops threw in the towel, the Brit, who served as a reservist in the British Army, came across a pair of sunglasses with one lens knocked out, lying close to where the teen’s phone signal was last recorded. Some say they resembled what the 19-year-old was pictured wearing at the three-day NRG festival, shortly before he went missing.

Chris handed them over to the police, where they remain as police property. Also helping in the search for Jay is TV detective Mark Williams-Thomas, who said he had spoken to one of the men the teen was last with. He claimed Ayub Qassim, 31, known as ‘Jonny Vegas,’ who drove the missing teen to the deserted holiday rental, shared details of their journey.

To put himself in Jay’s shoes, Chris followed the route exactly from the coastal party strip, south of the island. At 5.30am on Saturday, he followed the winding road north in his car from Papagayo nightclub to the Casa Abuela Tina Airbnb in Masca. He told Mail+ that he didn’t exceed 15km an hour, because of the hairpin turns.

“It’s dark, it’s extremely dangerous,” he commented. “Let me be frank, it’s scary up here on your own in the darkness.” Chris believes that after Jay hurriedly left the holiday rental, he may have veered off down the ravine, thinking the coast was closer than it actually is.

He claims to have pinpointed the ‘most sensible’ places to search, including the precise geolocation of Jay’s last phone ping. Entering the bushes close to where he stumbled across the sunglasses, Chris explained how difficult it is to walk through the sharp shrubbery.

With his hands cut and scraped, he admitted that he could barely see two metres ahead of him. Dripping with sweat in the sweltering heat, he said: “You can only imagine that he’s looked down at the coastline in the distance and thinks it’s a lot closer than it really is. And that heading straight through the bush is the quickest route to safety.”

However after coming off-road into the surrounding underbrush, Chris questions why the teen wouldn’t change course and return to the path with safer walking conditions. “If Jay came off the path and went through there, like I’ve just done, he wouldn’t leave the path again. You’d have to be mad.”

Another local who has been trekking the area with Warren and Zak is Juan Garcia, a 53-year-old who has been searching along with his four-year-old sniffer dog, Caperucita. Speaking of the treacherous conditions, he harrowingly told the Mail it would be near-impossible for search teams to locate him from above. “It’s a labyrinth of bushes and you can’t see much from the air. We really are looking for a needle in a haystack,” he said.

Shortly before his disappearance, Jay called friend Lucy Law, who he was staying with on the south of the island, to warn her that he was trying to get back to their hotel, however his phone was on one per cent battery. She claimed he said he was ‘thirsty’ and had no idea where he was.

The young woman also said her friend mentioned being cut by a cactus, while friend Bradley Hargreaves said he heard Jay fall whilst talking on the phone. Opening up about Jay on This Morning, nineteen-year-old Brad became emotional as he spoke of his friend’s “zest for life” and the final promise he made him – that he was going to call back as he hung up due to “someone else ringing him”.

Brad said that Jay wasn’t initially worried about finding his way back to his friends when he first got lost while on holiday in Tenerife. On the programme, Brad explained: “He was on the phone and he goes: ‘I’ve got walk and go all down that road'”.

Brad also said that Jay, according to him, would have avoided going down the road he had mentioned during their phone call as he said that Jay would have taken a safer path. Brad then revealed that he could hear Jay’s feet slide on the rocks, signalling to him his friend had “went off the road.. That’s how I knew he went off the road because, you know when you walk on gravel, or whatever it is, you can… you know what I mean, stones.”

He added: “I said: ‘put your location on.” He said: ’15 minute drive, fourteen-hour walk.’ I don’t know if it’s accurate or not so I said to him: ‘it’s only a 15-min drive, get a taxi.”

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