One of the robbers is said to have held six-inch knife to his chest while demanding he hand over his valuables, the victim recalled how he was “just still” and complied out of fear

Masked robbers threatened a man at knifepoint in a park – before offering to play rock paper scissors for his chain.

The man had been out trying to buy flowers for his mum when a gang of lads surrounded him. One held a six-inch knife to his stomach while demanding he hand over his valuables. After rifling through his pockets and taking his iPhone 14 Max, the group taunted him by offering to play the children’s game, before running off.

Police are now investigating the incident which has left the man shocked and worried. The victim spotted three lads on a bench but thought nothing of it until they started calling out to him. He said he ignored them at first but then they surrounded him, with one brandishing the knife. They also asked him where he lived in case he ‘snitched’.

He claims that while one was holding the knife against him, another robber rifled through his pockets taking his iPhone 14 Pro Max phone, his AirPods, his wallet with cards and driving licence, a beard comb and a silver chain’ The 23-year-old victim left the scene and eventually raised the alarm. He he told BirminghamLive: “I was at work that day and finished work at 4.30pm. I planned to go to a flower shop to get some flowers for my mum’s birthday.”

He cut through a park before noticing the gang. “These guys were sitting on the bench,” he said. “I had my AirPods in but usually turn the volume down when I pass people. I heard someone calling from behind, but I ignored it. Then they called me and said ‘have you got a lighter’. They started jogging towards me.

“One then grabbed my jacket and pulled out a knife and held it against my stomach. It was bigger than a kitchen knife around six or seven inches long I’d say. When it’s pulled out and you see it, you’re just still and just comply. One of the others was next to him and a third guy gets my phone and AirPods and things in my jacket. They asked where I lived ‘in case I snitched’.

“As soon as they took my phone they asked for my passcode to reset it. They then realised I was wearing a silver chain. I could tell they were kids as they said ‘do you want to play rock, paper, scissors with the chain’. I said ‘take it’. They also took a letter in my pocket, my wallet and then started running off.”

The victim swiftly got away from the area, making his way to local shops to ask to use someone’s phone without success before remembering his friend’s mum who lived nearby. After knocking on her door and using her phone, he spoke to his sister and mum before calling the police.

He also alerted his boss and stopped his cards, with the thieves attempting to use one but it was declined. The three robbers are described as being black, around 5 ft 10 or 5 ft 11 tall, of slim build, around 17 to 19-years-old and covered head to toe in balaclavas and tracksuits and puffer jackets.

The victim said: “I have been a bit on edge. I go through that park and now I have taken lifts to and from work. You could tell these guys were local lads.”

A spokeswoman for West Midlands Police said: “We were called to a robbery in Streetly Road, Birmingham, at around 5pm on Thursday (October 3) when a man was threatened by three men who had a knife. A number of items, including a wallet and a mobile phone, were taken and we’re working to identify and trace those responsible.” Anyone with information should call 101, quoting crime reference number 20/896022/24 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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