Mikey Smith joined The Division Bell this week and discussed Trump’s complaint against the Labour Party for ‘blatant foreign interference’.

He defended the Labour volunteers stating: “This is not in any way unusual. This happens in every election. The Tories do it, Labour do it…They send people out to help their sister parties.”

“The only difference is that Donald Trump has noticed and is looking for as many grievances as he can find to stack up in case he loses.”

Nigel Farage characteristically didn’t hold anything back whilst speaking to ITV on Wednesday saying that Labour staff campaigning in the US is “a very, very stupid thing to have done.”

Mikey admitted to The Express’ Sam Lister: “The other thing that I have found fascinating the last couple of days is the hypocrisy from some of the people in the UK complaining about this.

“Nigel Farage, who repeatedly has travelled across the Atlantic to campaign with his friend Donald Trump, most recently in August when he went over to the Republican National Convention on a private jet, which was paid for by one of his party donors and cost about 33,000 pounds!”

“Now, the American election rules say that if you spend more than a grand getting there, then it counts as a donation and that is illegal. So slightly unclear whether Nigel has broken any of the rules that he’s complaining about himself.”

Matthew Laza, former advisor to Ed Milliband and political commentator, agreed with Mikey stating: “There is a kind of farcical element to all of this, which is effectively trying to create a row where there isn’t one!”

Matthew, who also was director of the international think tank Policy Network, vouched for the importance of learning from other countries.

“We used to regularly bring people together, not always at election time, but we should learn from other countries… We shouldn’t be isolated in Britain.”

Matthew joked that: “When you walk into a Labour house there’s normally the Hilary Clinton ‘Love Not Hate’ poster framed…The idea that they’re going to swing this election against Donald is daft!”

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