Rats and mice can cause havoc in your home, especially during the colder months. But it turns out there is a common product that can help ‘drive them away’

Rats and mice are the pests you’d most want to avoid, but unfortunately, they have a knack for invading homes and gardens, especially during the winter months. As temperatures drop, these rodents seek out warm places to hunker down for the winter.

Even if your home is well-sealed, they can find a way in through wall cladding, foundations, garages, chimneys, or gutters. Finding mouse or rat droppings is a clear sign that you have some unwelcome guests.

Rats and mice may not frighten you but they can also carry nasty diseases that you don’t want your home and family subjected to, so it is vital that as soon as you see any signs they may be inside your home you act fast. Rodents can carry various diseases, including ones that affect humans, like Weil’s disease, listeria and Hantavirus. This is why it’s important to keep areas clean and to get rid of rodents.

Not only can they carry diseases, but they can bother your pets, and even chew through wires in your home or car causing extensive, expensive damage. According to pest control experts at TomCat, one of the “best, most natural ways to get rid of rats and mice” is to use their strong sense of smell against them.

They suggest that rats and mice “absolutely detest the smell of peppermint”. Cotton balls soaked in peppermint oil or dried mint sachets can effectively repel them. Simply place these in problem areas, refreshing as often as needed for a “longer-lasting solution”, reports the Express.

Rodents and pests are unable to stand sharp smells according to pest experts so this methid should be used to clean areas where have made themselves at home it will remove their scent. Pest Line experts are singing the praises of peppermint oil as a natural rodent repellent. They advise: “Peppermint oil is a great natural way to get rid of mice and rats. You can use peppermint oil to drive them far away”.

To effectively utilise this method, they suggest soaking cotton balls with the oil and scattering them around the affected area. They added: “The oil will dissipate into the cotton easily, so make sure to reapply the oil to the cotton balls a couple of times a week. This oil is safe for pets and humans, just be sure to select the oil that specifies it is 100 percent pure. This method also works outdoors as well as indoors.”

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