Putting seeds in your coffee could make all the difference
A surprising seed added to coffee could work wonders for your wellbeing, as a nutrition expert highlights the “interesting nutrient content” of flaxseeds. These tiny seeds are known for impressive antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, carrying a variety of additional health advantages.
Nutritionist Aitor Sánchez alongside vocalist Paloma San Basilio endorses the virtues of this seed. San Basilio herself revealed to La Vanguardia that she bolsters her coffee with golden flaxseeds each morning: “I add it to my morning coffee with milk. They have incredible properties.”
Boasting a high fibre content and an assortment of essential nutrients such as omega-3, calcium, magnesium, iron, biotin, and phosphorus, flaxseeds come highly recommended by dietitian Mareva Gillioz, who, on Bio Eco Actual, has long praised their attributes.
Gillioz points out that golden flaxseed is especially valuable in managing blood sugar and cholesterol levels, making it a great choice for a nutritious morning boost. She also highlighted their ability to cut down oxidative stress.
Consequently, these qualities mean the seeds offer protection against certain health conditions like kidney diseases and various cancers, including breast and prostate cancer. But it’s not just the flaxseeds adding benefits to this health concoction.
Coffee is also known for its antioxidant and metabolic benefits, with some research suggesting that moderate consumption could reduce the risk of heart disease and neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. The health advantages of coffee and flaxseeds can complement each other to enhance the nutritional value of your morning brew. However, combining them might be a bit challenging.
Whole flaxseeds won’t dissolve in coffee, so most experts suggest crushing or grinding your flaxseeds into a powder before adding it to your drink. This can even be done using a coffee grinder.