Ex-teacher Rebecca Joynes had just been suspended from her job and was arrested at her flat by two police officers before ending up in the back of a police van, new footage shows

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Rebecca Joynes: Police bodycam shows arrest of school teacher

A teacher found guilty of sleeping with two pupils has been caught on camera looking miserable moments after she was first locked up.

Sitting alone in the tiny cell in the back of a police van, Rebecca Joynes was about to face questioning over what took place with two boys, one of whom she became pregnant and had a baby by. The then 28-year-old teacher had just been suspended from her job and was arrested at her flat by two police officers.

Today Joynes, 30, wept in the dock at Manchester Crown Court as she was sentenced to six-and-a-half years with a judge telling her she had “abused trust” and exploited her role “for your sexual gratification”.

Following her arrest, the cops took her down to their waiting police van where she can be seen, wearing a light coloured top. She sits looking stern faced, staring towards the floor and has her arms crossed.

She was questioned by officers and later charged with a string of sex offences. After a trial at Manchester Crown Court she was found guilty of six counts of sexual activity with a child, two while in a position of trust.

During the trial, the court heard how the teacher had a baby with one of the teenagers, which was taken away from her just hours after giving birth. She now sees the child just three times a week. Joynes was also accused of a “naked attempt to garner sympathy” from the jury by having a pink baby’s bonnet visibly tucked into her trousers during her appearances in court.

One of the victims’ mum’s told the court of the moment she found “love bites” on her 15-year-old son’s neck after he spent a night at Joynes’ flat. Manchester Crown Court heard Joynes groomed Boy A by buying him a £345 Gucci designer belt, before taking him to her flat in Salford, Greater Manchester, where they allegedly had sex twice. Prosecutors said this amounted to “grooming.”

Prosecutor Mr Allman had asked the jury of seven men and five women to imagine “Robert”, a fictitious 28-year-old teacher just out of a nine-year relationship who was lonely, good-looking, and who schoolgirls pay a lot of attention to, flatter and make inappropriate comments to. The prosecutor outlined a scenario where the male teacher exchanges Snapchat messages, buys one girl a £350 belt and takes her back to his flat, while a second teenager falls pregnant to “Robert”.

“Are you in any doubt about what’s happened here?” Mr Allman said. “You would not have one shred of sympathy for Robert. This thought experiment drags Miss Joynes’ defence into the light.”

Joynes was found guilty of all six counts. After the trial Judge Kate Cornell told Joynes: “There is a baby involved here who has done nothing wrong – you must be under no illusions on what is going to happen. Bail can be granted on the same conditions as before”. Today she will be sentenced and is facing a prison sentence.

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