Evil nursing assistant Mohammad Farooq, who was today sentenced to a minimum of 37 years behind bars, had intended to inflict as much damage as possible while plotting to bomb hospital in Leeds

Mohammad Farooq
Mohammad Farooq has today been sentenced to a minimum of 37 years behind bars(Image: PA)

A student nurse who plotted to detonate an explosive device at Leeds’ St James’s Hospital had intended to target a particular part of the building with the intention of killing “as many nurses as possible”. Mohammad Farooq today learned he will serve a minimum of 37 years behind bars, following today’s (March 21) sentencing at Sheffield Crown Court.

The 29-year-old nursing assistant was arrested outside the maternity ward on January 20, 2023, after showing a member of the public a gun and declaring that he “felt like killing everyone”. Once officers arrived, Farooq informed them he had a bomb, which was later confirmed to be a viable device.

Indeed, if exploded, the homemade pressure cooker device, which contained “nearly 10kg of explosives”, would have been twice as powerful as those used by the 2013 Boston Marathon bombers. The consequences would have been catastrophic, with “disillusioned” Farooq looking to maximise the number of casualties by setting the bomb off in the canteen.

READ MORE: Leeds hospital pressure bomb plotter jailed for life over bid ‘to kill as many nurses as possible’

The twisted criminal had intended to kill ‘as many nurses as possible’(Image: PA)

Sentencing Mohammad Farooq, Mrs Justice Cheema-Grubb spoke of how the would-be killer had plotted to “detonate the bomb when the canteen was full of nurses and walk out”. Thankfully, lone wolf Farooq was “talked down” by brave patient Nathan Newby, whose actions the judge stated had “prevented an atrocity”.

Describing Mr Newby as a “modest and gentle man whose evidence was among the most remarkable this court has ever heard”, Mrs Cheema-Grubb told the court: “He’s an extraordinary, ordinary man whose decency and kindness on January 20 2023, prevented an atrocity in a maternity wing of a major British hospital.”

Bomb disposal experts later confirmed the homemade explosive was a viable device, while a Gediz 9mm P.A.K. semi-automatic pistol, determined to be an imitation, was also found nearby. Items recovered from Farooq’s car, which was located at the hospital, included a number of nails, a knife, and five plastic tubs containing a low-explosive mixture. A floor plan of four hospital wards was also recovered from the vehicle.

He had intended to detonate his device in the hospital canteen(Image: PA)

Addressing Farooq, the judge said: “You were disillusioned in your own life, both personally and professionally, having failed to achieve the standard of work to become a nurse.”

Farooq, described as being on the autism spectrum by the defence team, had watched “anti-West propaganda” via TikTok and had also downloaded terrorist handbooks – including a guide on how to make a bomb.

The defendant was found previously guilty of preparing acts of terrorism by jurors on July 2, 2024. He also previously pleaded guilty to possession of an explosive substance with intent to endanger life, possession of an explosive substance in suspicious circumstances, possession of information likely to be useful to a terrorist, possession of an imitation firearm with intent to commit an indictable offence, and possession of an imitation firearm with intent to cause fear of violence.

Head of the Crown Prosecution Service Counter Terrorism Division, Bethan David, stated: “Farooq is an extremely dangerous individual who amassed a significant amount of practical and theoretical information that enabled him to produce a viable explosive device.

“He then took that homemade explosive device to a hospital where he worked with the intention to cause serious harm. Examination of his electronic devices revealed a hatred towards his colleagues at work and those he considered non-believers.

“It is clear from his internet searches that he was also conducting extensive research of RAF Menwith Hill, with a view to launching a potential attack. The extremist views Farooq holds are a threat to our society, and I am pleased the jury found him guilty of his crimes.”

Do you have a story to share? Email me at julia.banim@reachplc.com

READ MORE: Moment hero talks down terrorist ready to set off pressure cooker bomb at hospital

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