Keir Starmer said the Tories of going round in ‘ever increasing circles of desperation’ as the General Election nears after Rishi Sunak shared a fictional video

Rishi Sunak has been accused of making “ridiculously desperate” attacks after posting a video warning of power cuts, tax hikes and school cancellations under Labour.

In the clip, shared on Twitter /X, a dad is depicted using a torch because of power cuts caused by a Russian ‘energy cut off”. He is then shown opening a newspaper branding Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves ‘Rachel Queen of Tax’. And the camera zooms in on an article claiming the FTSE100 biggest companies have “crashed”.

The dad in the video also gripes that he’ll have to cancel a family holiday. The fictional scene is set in July 2025, a year into a Keir Starmer government if he becomes PM on Friday. The PM, resigned to defeat, shared it with the caption: “48 hours to stop a Starmer supermajority.”

It is the latest in a string of attacks launched by Tory HQ as the election campaign enters its final 48 hours. Labour leader Mr Starmer told reporters in Derbyshire: “He’s just getting more and more desperate and going round and round in sort of ever increasing circles of desperation.

“It’s sad to see. I really genuinely thought that the last two or three days of the election will be both major parties that could form a government actually putting their positive case to the country.”

But referring to the PM he said: “He’s got nothing positive to say. And it’s surprising they ought to be out there.

“If they thought they’ve got something to say to the country, go and say it but they’ve got nothing positive to say with two days to go. And I think that tells you absolutely everything about the last 14 years in government and about this campaign.”

Mr Starmer went on: “They (the Tories) have campaigned as they governed, which is chaotic and divided. “And that’s why we’ve ended up two days before the end of the campaign with only labour making a positive campaign into the last two days. Look, this is ridiculously desperate stuff.”

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