Satellite images suggested that North Korea has made progress in the long-awaited construction of the Wonsan-Kalma Coastal Tourist Area, which was previously slated to open in 2020

Recent satellite photography shows that North Korea has been making major strides toward the long-awaited inauguration of the Wonsan-Kalma Coastal Tourist Area, a sizable beach resort that has been under development for years.

Photos from Planet Labs show a lot of pavement on the roads and beach chairs added, indicating that getting ready to greet visitors is well underway.

Recent photos of the resort show the nearly finished turtle-shaped arena and completed parking spaces, among other amenities like stores and hotels. These events indicate Pyongyang’s determination to launch the escape as soon as possible, while the precise date is still unknown.

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Beginning in 2018, work on Wonsan-Kalma—located four hours from Pyongyang on the eastern side of the Korean peninsula—was once scheduled to be finished in 2020. Several obstacles have been encountered by the project, such as the pandemic’s delays.

Based on a comparison of before and after satellite photographs, it appears that the repaving work, which started in the first week of May, is finally finished. Additionally, advanced stages of development are visible throughout the resort. Even the middle section has been furnished with beach chairs.

The resort’s successful construction and operation could represent a major step toward realizing Kim Jong-un’s goal of expanding the tightly regulated tourism industry in the country. Wonsan-Kalma has only had a small number of guests during its development phase, one of which was a Russian media crew earlier this year. The impending launch has been communicated to Russian tour operators, although there are still little specifics available.

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North Korea and Russia are growing closer even as they are engaged in conflict with the US and its allies. In anticipation of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s impending visit—his first to North Korea since 2000—preparations are already under way in Pyongyang. Although neither party has disclosed the dates of the visit, Moscow has indicated that it will happen shortly.

Part of a larger initiative to fortify relations between the two countries, the visit takes place in the context of growing military cooperation in the face of Russia’s dispute with Ukraine. Putin may travel to North Korea concurrently with his anticipated June 19–20 visit to Vietnam.

A stay would need to be inexpensive if the resort on Wonsan-Kalma wants to attract domestic tourists. The average income in North Korea, which is usually governed by Kim’s dictatorial regime, is only $3(£2.37) per month.

Prominent expert on North Korea Michael Madden told the US Sun that Kim would be happy to witness the opening of the Wonsan resort as he seeks to pad his wallet with foreign cash. “These are long-term policy goals as Pyongyang is well aware that sanctions and continued WMD test activity preclude a glut of tourists and foreign direct investment – even from friendly countries like China and Russia,” he said.

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