Berries are some of the healthiest foods on the market, but they have a habit of going mouldy in a short period of time. A TikTok hack claims to have the solution

Berries, sparkling with natural sugars and brimming with essential nutrients – they’re often the go-to snack in many households.

Yet, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, all suffer from a common malady: they turn mouldy quicker than one would like. Not only are these berries bursting with flavour, but they also pack a punch nutrition-wise – low in calories, high on fibre, vitamin C and antioxidants.

Plus, they’ve even got the creds for boosting heart health by helping to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. But what good is all that healthiness if the fruit goes off before you get to enjoy it?

Now, there’s a juicy piece of advice to tackle this fruity problem! Behold the game-changing TikTok trick sweeping across fruit bowls everywhere: wash your berries in white vinegar to fend off those nasty mould spores that shorten your berries’ shelf life.

Grab a strainer and put it over a big bowl. Pile your berries in and give them a loving bath with eight cups of water, one cup of white vinegar, and just dash of baking soda. Hoist your strainer out, pat the berries dry, and stash them away confidently, knowing they’ll stay fresher for longer.

TikToker user Danielle Brown spoke of the benefits, telling berry lovers that: “The vinegar will remove bacteria and prevent mould, making your berries last for weeks. You won’t believe how much dirt and sometimes bugs come off your berries.”

A food safety expert has highlighted that while a certain method won’t ‘cure’ berries that have already turned mouldy, it can significantly extend their shelf life by at least a week, which is great for saving money and reducing food waste.

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