One cleaning expert has shared her simple yet effective way of cleaning stained Tupperware, with the dirty plastic containers coming out good as new every single time

Cleaning stained Tupperware is perhaps one of the hardest jobs in the kitchen. Whether the container has had curry or bolognaise sauce inside, it’s always difficult getting it to look good as new.

One cleaning expert may just have the solution, however. TikTok user Ekin Gorur has shared her simple cleaning hack for Tupperware and it could be a game changer. The viral video has so far been viewed nearly 14million times and has racked up more than 270,000 likes. “Kitchen hacks for messy butter dish,” the caption in the video reads. In the clip, Ekin can be seen rinsing a yellow-stained plastic container with water in the sink. She then squirts some washing up liquid inside the Tupperware before partly filling it up with water.

She then tears off a sheet of kitchen roll and places it inside the container. Even more water and washing up liquid are added before she pops the lid on and gives it a good shake. After several seconds, Ekin pours the contents into the sink and gives the Tupperware one final rinse. All of the stains have been removed and the container looks more or less good as new.

As you would expect, hundreds of people took to the comments to praise the hack. One said: “I did this and it works! But not on old stains only recently used boxes, absolutely love it.” Another commented: “I’ve done this before and was amazed, it worked so well.” A third added: “That works! I do that too! The grease comes off easily.”

A number of users did question the method, however, and instead gave their own advice. “Use a sponge and save time,” one person claimed. Another said: “You don’t need to add tissue it works perfectly without it.” A third commented: “Or just leave it in a sink full of hot soap water the 10 mins no cleaning required.” A fourth said: “This amount of soap can wash all your dishes.”

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