A woman who underwent a huge hair transformation has revealed how she did it, including the way she oils her hair – which makes people think she’s got hair extensions

If you’re on a hair health journey, you may have been trying oils to help with re-growth – but one woman has revealed that you may not using them correctly.

If you want to see genuine results, TikToker @vanilla_swirlxx shared that there are “mistakes to avoid” to reach your goal of “long healthy hair”. She said that she didn’t want to be “dramatic,” but she shared that “hot oiling” her scalp has “literally transformed” her hair, as she showed a before-and-after image showing the growth.

The content creator even said that people accuse her of “lying about having hair extensions” due to her long locks. “A lot of people don’t see results from hair oiling because you’re doing one of these things wrong,” she explained.

The first mistake that she said people are making is “using way too much oil,” to the point that they’re “dripping in oil.” She said that your “roots should look oily,” but the oil shouldn’t be “dripping down your back or over your face”.

“The second-most common mistake I see people make is not stimulating their hair follicles. You can definitely do a five-minute scalp massage before you put the oil in,” she explained but said that she preferred to do it afterwards as it “helps the product absorb” and will stimulate hair growth thanks to the movement of the massager.

There is also an ideal amount of time to leave the oil in your hair, as she said some people leave it on “not long enough, or way too long” – and both can have an impact on your hair growth journey.

She explained that “the longer you leave it on doesn’t make it more effective,” which is a common misconception for many. The hair growth guru says that she leaves it on her hair for two to six hours, but six hours is the absolute max she’d leave it on for.

The final reason that hair oiling may not be working correctly for you is that you’re “not washing the oil out properly”. If your hair is looking “greasy” and feels “weighed down” after you’ve used hair oil, make sure you wash it out thoroughly, she recommended, saying that personally, she prefers to shampoo two to three times after oiling. She said you should “prioritise getting that lather in” when you wash so it leaves no residue.

In the comments, someone wrote: “Does the oil being warm make a huge difference?” Another explained: “When your hair oil is warm it allows the oil to penetrate into your hair shaft which maximizes the benefits of hair oiling, thus providing a more conditioning effect.”

One woman praised the method when done correctly, sharing: “I have been using this for two weeks. I can honestly say my hair fallout has lessened significantly. I thought it would take months, but no. I was surprised how easy it was to wash out.”

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