The notoriously tricky to cook poached egg can be perfected in the increasingly popular air fryer in only 10 minutes and you just need two basic ingredients – here’s how to do it

Not only are air fryer poached eggs with the ultimate runny yolk easy to make, but you can prepare multiple at once so you don’t have to slave over a hot stove anymore.

The air fryer is known for its versatility in cooking a huge number of foods – everything from chips to cakes can be made in the popular kitchen appliance. Fans also love it for its notable health benefits thanks to being able to use less oil and fat than standard frying or roasting techniques require.

But there’s one breakfast and snack favourite that you may have never considered preparing in the nifty gadget. The poached egg is famously hard to cook to perfection. Most people love a smooth runny yolk but actually achieving it can be annoyingly tricky. If you don’t get the temperature of the water just right, take it out a moment too soon or leave it in 30 seconds too long, you can end up with a stomach-churning undercooked jelly or an unappetising hard, dry yolk.

However there is a “new and amazing” way to cook the pesky poached egg using the air fryer. has shared exactly how the illusive runny centre can be achieved. “Using your air fryer to poach eggs can be a fantastic alternative that yields tasty results,” they say.

They also highlight another benefit of being able to cook multiple eggs at the same time. “You no longer need to stand over the stove and poach the eggs one after another,” they reveal. What’s more you only need two ingredients and some water. Here’s how to poach eggs in the air fryer:

Ingredients to serve four people:

4 eggs

Olive oil to grease ramekins

3 tbsp of hot water per egg


Preheat your air fryer to 180C and lightly grease or spray the ramekins with the olive oil. Next add the hot water to each ramekin and crack an egg into the water.

Next pop the ramekins into your air fryer basket. Cook for 6-8 minutes depending on how runny you like your yolks. Once they are cooked, remove the ramekins from the basket and gently slide the eggs out using a rubber spatula.

Your eggs are now ready to be enjoyed however you like them, whether it be with salmon on a bagel, with avocado on some crunchy sourdough toast or simply on their own seasoned with salt and pepper.

If you try this method of air frying poached eggs, let us know how get on in the comments below.

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