Parents have been urged to check a little-known swimwear colour chart before buying their kids a new swimming costume this summer, saying it could save their child’s life

As we count down to the summer holidays, many parents will be dusting off their suitcases ready for a well-deserved vacation abroad.

As part of this, they may be heading to the shops to buy their children a new swimming costume to wear in the pool or when playing in the sea. But rather than buy the ‘prettiest’ or ‘coolest’ costume on the rack, Plympton Fire Department is urging parents to check their colour chart to see whether their children’s swimwear is safe.

A statement on their Facebook page reads: “This is a great safety guide for children swimming in lakes and swimming pools. The colour of the bathing suit can make it easier or more difficult to see children while they are swimming.

“This is a good reminder to always have adult supervision when children are swimming. (Thanks to Praire Lakes Healthcare System.)” They attached a colour guide showing how different coloured swimsuits show up in a lake and in a pool – with white, blue, green and grey disappearing almost entirely.

According to their chart, the best colours for both pools and lakes are pink, orange and red. Making sure your child is dressed in a bright bathing suit could make all the difference and save them from a dangerous situation.

Commenting on their post, one user said: “I’ve always gone for neon when it comes to swim shorts for my boys. I also dress them in bright colours for days out too, easier to keep an eye on them. This is very useful info.”

Another user added: “This is an excellent tip! No matter how prepared you think you may be, there is always something new to learn. Thank you.”

A third user said: “Very interesting, had never thought about the color before. Thank you for sharing.” One more user added: “I hear stories about when I was six or so, with a bunch of kids and adult supervision at the lake. A wave knocked me over and the adult spotted my bright yellow swimsuit and rescued me.”

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