Research found four in five people would now describe themselves as “thrifty”. When asked how they cut back on their spending, 42% said they use loyalty cards, 37% now cook from scratch, 32% are smarter with energy use, and 22% batch cook

The cost of living crisis has turned Britain into a nation of money savers.

Research found four in five people would now describe themselves as “thrifty”.

When asked how they cut back on their spending, 42% said they use loyalty cards, 37% now cook from scratch, 32% are smarter with energy use, and 22% batch cook.

Overall, 70% of those who took part in the survey are regularly finding ways to reduce their spending, according to energy supplier E.ON Next.

Shopping around for cheaper insurance (29%), having fewer meals out (30%) and sticking to a meal plan and shopping list (28%) are also ways in which the nation is cutting down on costs.

Julian Lennertz, chief commercial officer at E.ON Next, said: “Our research shows that many people across the UK are now more confident about managing their everyday finances and are making more informed decisions about where to spend money – and where they can save.”


1. Using loyalty cards

2. Cooking from scratch at home

3. Turning the thermostat down

4. Only turning on lights when necessary

5. Using shopping coupons

6. Being smarter with energy use

7. Turning off appliances at the plug

8. Ditching takeaways

9. Eating out less

10. Swapping premium brands for supermarket own


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