It can be hard cooking for a family when everyone has different tastebuds, but one man is so fed up of his wife complaining about his meals he’s now refusing to cook for her

A fed-up husband has sparked debate after revealing he point-blank refuses to cook for his wife.

The bloke says his wife constantly insults his cooking, despite him being a professional chef, and now he’s putting his foot down. The couple have been married for eight years and they share two children, and while the man says his wife Jennifer is a ‘wonderful mother’ their tensions boil over when it comes to dinnertime.

According to the disgruntled hubby, his other half constantly criticises his cooking, even making retching sounds when he served her a plate. Now he’s on strike and it’s left her seething. Taking to Reddit to vent anonymously about his wife’s behaviour, the man insists he’s done the right thing. He detailed in the post: “I work full-time, and Jennifer is a SAHM [stay at home mum]. She’s a wonderful mother to our children, but one thing that she does not like to do is cook.” He said this always used to work out well as he’s apparently a “phonomemal” chef and used to work as a line cook.

“Virtually everyone loves my cooking. When we have company, it gets rave reviews. Our children always ask for seconds. I put a lot into it, and I take pride in my cooking skills. The only person who doesn’t like it is [her]. She complains endlessly.”

She will tell him it’s “too salty” or undercooked, and her husband has reached breaking point. “She also backseat cooks a lot, where I’ll be in the kitchen making something, and she won’t shut up about what I should be doing differently. The worst part, though, is that she’ll frequently insult my cooking and then go get garbage like a Hot Pocket or a frozen dinner from the freezer.”

It all came to boiling point when the man, who appears to be American, proudly served up Salisbury steaks with mushroom gravy, cream cheese mashed potatoes and roasted asparagus, only to be met with a “disgusted face” from his wife. She apparently even poked at it before making an “exaggerated retching sound” and “dramatically threw her fork on the plate” before resorting to a microwave burrito.

The post continued: “I just snapped. I didn’t say anything at the time because our children were there, but I was completely done. The next day, I made teriyaki bowls with broccoli. [She] sat at the table waiting for hers, and I informed her that I was done cooking for her. When she asked why, I told her it’s a waste of food, and that she should just go have a Hot Pocket.” But now he said his wife is “furious” over the fact he won’t cook for her, and told him instead of giving up he should “try a bit harder”. He then asked: “I think she should just subsist on whatever microwaveable slop she likes and stop complaining. Did I escalate too much here?”

Redditors were quick to jump to his defense, as one person said: “Did you marry a five-year-old? She behaved like a child. If you are not willing to do something, you don’t get to complain about the people that do,” and another added: “The moment a fully grown adult makes dramatic faux retching noises, I’m done. That is elementary school behavior, except school kids don’t have the emotional capacity to understand how rude that is.”

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