As spring rolls around garden-owners can recycle their cardboard using this handy hack that stops weeds from growing over their flowerbeds

Before you throw out your unwanted cardboard, garden-owners should pay attention to this handy hack. As spring rolls around, more flowers will begin to bud in our gardens – which also means the unwanted growth of weeds.

However, a gardening expert has recommended that a great way to counteract this is by placing cardboard in your garden. According to Ish, known as gardening.with.ish on TikTok, it can create a “fantastic weed membrane”. A weed membrane is a type of fabric barrier that can be placed on a flower bed to suppress weed growth. Meanwhile, the roots of the plants above it grow through, allowing them to remain on the surface while the weeds are kept underneath.

Cardboard can be an effective material to use for this as it blocks sunlight, which prevents weeds from germinating and breaking through the soil. It is also biodegradable, which makes it a great sustainable option. As Ish pointed out, it is also good at retaining water, which keeps the soil healthy and moist.

Cardboard’s little-known use in the garden

Ish explained: “Now, when that cardboard has decomposed, you think ‘oh, it’s a bit useless’, but actually the organic material in cardboard improves soil quality and also improves drainage, which is another fantastic benefit for a lot of my flowers in the summer.

“You may have noticed, while I’ve been filming this video, I’ve also been lining the bottom of the handmade cold frame, and cardboard works as a fantastic insulating layer too.

“So, all of that cold ground temperature won’t rise up into the cold frame and it will keep it warmer in there for a little bit longer. It also works as a fantastic mulch too to protect some of your plants from cold weather too.

“So, cardboard is massively beneficial in your garden. If you’ve got some, make sure you use it well,” they added.

Since the video was shared, it has garnered hundreds of views, as well as inspiring other users to share their own gardening experiences. One comment said: “The one video that hasn’t cost me money. I have lots of cardboard. Going to use them for the beds for all the seeds you’ve had me buy so far.”

Another vouched for the tips effectiveness: “I’ve been doing this for years, and people laughed at me. Glad to see you endorsing this old-fashioned method of weed suppression.”

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