In addition to her food demands, the man also said his wife abruptly quit her job at their daughter’s primary school without discussing it with him or coming up with a financial plan together

A man has been left perplexed by his pregnant wife’s behaviour after she refuses to eat all day then demands he goes out to buy her food at 2am.

The 32-year-old man’s wife is currently nine weeks pregnant and is struggling to decide what to eat during the day, then craves fast food in the early hours of the morning. The man, who is also 32, sought advice on whether he was being unreasonable to refuse to get out of bed to drive to the supermarket or a fast food restaurant.

He took to Reddit’s popular Am I The A**hole (AITA) forum to vent his frustrations. He explained: “My wife straight up chooses not to eat breakfast or lunch at home during the day because ‘we have nothing’ except we do and what she really means is ‘we don’t have anything I want’.

“So at dinner time, I almost always make dinner after working all day while she’s currently not working and struggle to get her to find [something] she wants. She either has no clue and wants me to choose for her, and when I do she doesn’t want it, or when she does suggest something she will pick around it and not eat much of it or straight up not eat it.”

He said she then wants him to wake up at 12am, or 2am, or 4am or “whatever late time she chooses”, and drive to a fast food venue, or a petrol station, to pick her up some food or snacks. The husband said he “basically always tells her no”.

He added: “I tell her that the snacks that she wants, we should buy at the store or that she should actually eat some breakfast, some lunch, or some dinner so she’s not starving in the middle of the night. I’m never mean about it and always keep a calm and soft tone.”

In a follow up edit, the man also revealed his wife abruptly quit her job at their daughter’s primary school without discussing it with him or coming up with a financial plan together. Before the half term, she told him “she wanted to quit because she’s now pregnant and she wanted to buy supplies and start her own nail business”.

The man said he was supportive of the “great idea” to start a nail business but advised her to wait two to three months until she’d practised, “figured out how to do it and brought in a small number of clients”.

The man’s post racked up more than a thousand comments from people keen to share their thoughts. One person said: “First, unless she is on bed rest, high risk or almost due, she can damn well drive herself… Yes, she is hormonal. That is not an excuse to do what she is. Either she needs to figure out what she can eat because not eating is not healthy for the baby or see a doctor because again, not eating is not healthy for the baby.

“Also, make a list of the snacks she asks for. Not the fast food but the snacks. Then go and buy them and stock them for when she asks. If she still won’t eat them, then honestly, it sounds like she is testing you to see how far you will go, which is just wrong. You can also see about setting up if you live in a town or city where she can call and have food delivered if she gets a craving.”

Another said: “Yeah, I’m wondering why she isn’t driving herself. She sounds exhausting, needing to be catered to constantly. She is an adult and should be able to feed herself. She’s pregnant. She can still cook and make herself something to eat.”

A pregnant woman commented: “I’m eight months pregnant, high risk, been on bed rest for almost three months now, and would never do this to my husband. I have a basket next to my bed full of snacks and drinks in case I need something in the middle of the night. He’s working 60 hrs a week because I can’t work. I could never imagine being selfish enough for my cravings to take away from his sleep.”

Others pointed out being nine weeks pregnant is peak cravings time, as well as being particularly nauseating, which can make it difficult to know what you want. But one person added: “Lots of women have survived pregnancy in a non-24/7 environment. We survived. We didn’t expect people to do the impossible. Even in a 24/7 location I wouldn’t expect anyone to go out and get me something. Why? Because I’m an adult. I wasn’t suddenly helpless because I was pregnant.”

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