A stay-at-home mum has been hit with backlash after she made a bombshell admission about ‘unattractive’ men and their finances – people are gobsmacked by her views

A woman has revealed that she feels sorry for others who don’t get to be a stay-at-home mum like her.

She said she finds it “unattractive” when a man can’t financially support his wife and family, and has been able to not work since going on maternity leave.

The mum shared how she felt sorry for a mum she knew who had to go to work early and come home way after her children had finished school. She took to Mumsnet anonymously to share her views, and many slammed her for “boasting” about her fortunate financial situation.

The mum revealed she has no plans to go back to work, claiming that her her husband runs a business and earns enough to support her and their family comfortably. She said she has “things in place which mean I would be financially secure if he was to leave me/pass away and for later in life.”

She admitted that a man who “can’t financially support his wife is unattractive” but wondered if she was being unreasonable. “There’s a couple who live down my street and she has to work full time and I feel sorry for her leaving so early every morning and coming home way after her children have finished school. I totally agree with women working if they want/need to but I can’t help but feel sorry for them,” the mum wrote.

Needless to say, many women weren’t impressed with her controversial post, as one Mumsnet user wrote: “Why are you asking this question? It’s blatantly nothing but a weird boast,” and another chimed: “Best hope he doesn’t find someone else and leave then. I’ve seen it happen numerous times to women in your situation.”

However, one woman gave a middle-ground response and explained: “The unfortunate economic reality is that most couples can’t afford to live on one income. If you’re looking for a partner and you exclude everyone who isn’t a high enough earner to let you not work, you may well never find someone. Pickings are already very slim for most single women.”

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