A woman has revealed she slept with the best man at her friends wedding even though she was told not to – and it was the brides new brother-in-law and now won’t speak to her

A woman has revealed she slept with the best man at her friend’s wedding – despite being under strict instructions not to.

The care-free wedding guest says she’s been a ‘bad friend’ as she knew he was ‘off limits’ as the groom’s brother, but they still got frisky anyway.

Despite feeling guilty, the woman did try to defend her actions by arguing that he was one of the only single man in the room, there was a free bar and there was “love in the air”. But now her heartbroken pal is feeling seriously disrespected.

She sought advice from wedding agony aunt Alison Rios McCrone at the Metro and explained her situation. She said: “My friend is, understandably, quite annoyed and says I really crossed a line and clearly don’t respect her. In my defence, there was a free bar and all the love in the air etc. And to be honest, it was just sex.”

She then asked if it really was such a big deal, adding that the brother-in-law isn’t “getting an earful” like she is from her friend, hinting at a double standard. The guest said she wanted to make amends with her pal and asked for some tips. Alison responded with some helpful advice, as well as some harsh truths.

She said that weddings are “emotional” and “high energy events” and while the guest might not see the tyrst as a big deal, she needs to realise she crossed a boundary for her pal.

“Your friend confided in you beforehand and told you explicitly that her brother-in-law was off-limits. So, from her perspective, it was not just a bit of fun but a sign of disrespect. On top of it all, you crossed this boundary on the most important day of her life, which would explain why she is so upset,” Alison noted.

She speculated that the best man might not be getting the cold shoulder as the bride had spoken to the woman directly and may not have told the brother-in-law her friend was off-limits. Alison further detailed: “The most important thing you can do now is to make things right with your friend. Give her an honest, heartfelt apology. Acknowledge her feelings and try to see the situation from her point of view.”

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