Love Island All Stars aired the aftermath of India Reynold’s exit on Monday night and islander Luca Bish was seen in tears after Tina Stinnes picked Scott Thomas over him

Fans of Love Island have rallied around an Islander this week following tears in the villa.

The ITV2 show returned for its latest episode on Monday night following the first dumping last week. It had seen India Reynolds leave the villa after bombshell Tina Stinnes chose to ‘steal’ Scott Thomas on Sunday’s episode.

Tina had also been getting to know Luca Bish before making her decision but ended up choosing Scott. In scenes aired after India’s departure, Luca was seen in tears as the aftermath of her exit played out in the villa in South Africa.

Towards the start of the episode, Kaz Crossley checked in on Luca following Tina’s decision. He told her: “It’s India’s night, there’s no point in me sitting here being upset.” Catherine Agbaje said to him during the conversation: “You basically said none of us were your type!” Luca went on to say that he was “not feeling bad” for not liking anyone.

Moments later, Ekin-Su Cülcüloğlu and Curtis Pritchard were seen approaching Luca, who appeared emotional. Ekin-Su asked if he was crying and he agreed. He said: “Just don’t know what I’m doing here.” Although soon wiping tears from his eyes, Luca assured: “I’m fine, honestly.”

Speaking in a confessional, he reflected: “Tina picking Scott; I think your emotions get the better of you.” Opening up about the experience of being on the show, he told viewers: “You have peaks and troughs [in here].”

Whilst speaking to some of his co-stars, including Ekin-Su, Luca said that it’s “just so different” to when he first appeared on Love Island in 2022. He began a relationship with Gemma Owen in the villa but they later parted ways.

“I just want something,” he told his co-stars on All Stars. Luca added: “Head’s running wild.” Scott however tried to reassure him that other Islanders will enter the villa, telling him: “Your dream girl is on her way.”

Tina was seen later speaking to Luca and said: “It was gonna be you and then I had one conversation with Scott just before and that was all in my head […] I’d still like to talk to you.” Luca said: “I’ve got amazing people and amazing friends here, it’s just you want that … y’know.”

A number of fans have shared support for Luca following the scene. One viewer wrote on X: “I just want to hug Luca every night.” Another said: “Luca is having hard time bless him.” Whilst a third wrote: “I feel bad for Luca omg.”

Someone else commented: “Did not expect to be feeling bad for [Luca] on All Stars this year.” Another viewer posted: “I hope producers are checking up on Luca.” Whilst one fan said: “Oh damn I feel bad for Luca.” Sharing their thoughts, one viewer said: “Luca really hasn’t settled this season. He looks so overwhelmed compared to the rest.”

Not everyone was as sympathetic though. One fan wrote: “Luca fake crying after talking so much s*** yesterday.” Another said: “Luca with these fake tears.”

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