Cleaning fans have taken to Facebook to share their love for a product that costs only £1 in some stores – and they’re convinced it’s the best way to get rid of stubborn stains

Oily stains on your kitchen surfaces can be a real nightmare, looking unsightly and becoming tough to remove if not tackled promptly.

It’s tempting to put off the cleaning, thinking ‘I’ll sort that another day’. However, if procrastination has got the better of you, fear not, as Mrs Hinch enthusiasts have shared a miracle solution that won’t break the bank – it’s only £1 in some shops, and it’s got people raving about its effectiveness.

A member of the Mrs Hinch Cleaning Tips Facebook group sought advice on how to eliminate persistent grease marks, posting: “How do I get rid of oily cooking stains from my kitchen cabinets? Thanking you in advance.”

The overwhelming response was to grab a bottle of ‘Elbow Grease’ from the pound store. This wonder cleaner is a breeze to use; just spray it evenly, wait a bit, then wipe with a damp cloth, repeating if necessary.

It’s versatile too, safe for fabrics, metals, plastics, and various household items like kitchen counters, carpets, microwaves and BBQs. The comments section was abuzz with praise, with many calling it “amazing” and confirming it “works great.”

One person declared: “Elbow Grease is 100% the best”, while another tipped off that it’s available at B&M bargains. A different user recommended: “Hot soapy water, Elbow Grease wash up liquid, and dry. Don’t use harsh chemicals as it takes away the protective layer.”

Mrs Hinch fans have also recently shared another clever trick for removing tomato sauce from white clothing. One individual recommended: “I married into an Italian family, resulting in lots of tomato stains (love pasta sauce). Always goes if you leave freshly laundered fabric in the sun, even in the UK.”

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