As we get older our bodies can start to show signs that something may be wrong – sometimes they can be easily ignored. But Dr Karan Raj highlighted three warning signs that demand immediate attention

When it comes to our well-being, our bodies often send us signals that something’s amiss.

Some of these signals are subtle and easily overlooked, especially if we’re feeling generally fit and fine. Yet, an NHS surgeon has sounded the alarm on certain ‘red flag’ symptoms that should never be brushed aside. Taking to TikTok, where he boasts a staggering following of over five million, Doctor Karan Raj highlighted three warning signs that demand immediate medical attention.

In his viral video, Dr Raj cautioned: “Three health signs you should never ignore. The last one is something no one is ever told.” He specifically called out three worrying symptoms: unexplained rapid weight loss, noticeable changes in a mole, and shifts in bathroom habits.

On the topic of weight, Dr Raj was clear-cut about the implications of shedding pounds unexpectedly, reports the Express. His advice was straightforward: “Rapidly losing weight without trying to – go to your doctor.” The NHS lists several potential causes for unintentional weight loss, ranging from mental health issues like depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and OCD, to digestive problems such as coeliac disease or IBS.

Moreover, such weight loss could indicate more serious conditions, including an overactive thyroid, type 2 diabetes, or even heart failure. The NHS adds: “Sometimes weight loss can be caused by cancer. It’s important to get it checked if you’re losing weight without trying.” Dr Raj continued: “If you have a mole that’s rapidly changing in size, shape or colour, go get it checked out.”

This could be a sign of skin cancer, whether it is a new mole or an old one that is changing. Cancer Research UK advises seeing your doctor if a mole is changing in size, shape or colour. Finally, Dr Raj warned: “If your pooping routine has changed over the last few weeks and you find yourself a lot more constipated or have looser stool it is time to get investigated.”

This too could point to something more sinister like bowel cancer. The NHS states the main symptoms of bowel cancer include: a change in your normal bowel habits, blood in your poo and needing to poo more or less often. If you have any of these symptoms then you should get checked out by your GP.

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