Travellers at Heathrow Airport terminal two caused ‘chaos’ and a ‘crush’ of people, when the terminal reopened following a security threat and evacuation

The reopening of terminal two at Heathrow Airport, following an earlier evacuation due to a ‘suspicious item’, has caused utter “chaos” and a worrying “crush” of people.

Passengers desperate to return to terminal two at Heathrow Airport in fear of missing their flights have flooded the terminal causing a “crush” and “people are running all over the place.”

Mark Pusey, 44, from West London who feared missing his connecting flight in Frankfurt to Leipzig, Germany said: “They shut the terminal and nobody will tell us why.

“It is pandemonium in some of the terminals – people are running all over the place.”

While Heathrow has since issued a statement indicating that the incident has been resolved, the reopening of the terminal seemed to amplify the disorder, according to Mark. He explained: “When they finally opened the terminal up, there was people getting crushed and stood on.”

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He continued: “It is chaos – lots of people are running around. There was one guy who was happy to lose his bag and try to make his flight than wait around and potentially miss it.”

“There is just a complete lack of information. Nobody has said anything. Every time I ask staff a question they reply with ‘I can’t tell you’,” Mark concluded.

Included in the frantic surge of people were many passengers due to travel to Germany, for England’s quarter-final match against Switzerland.

Mark shared: “People were leaving their partners behind to get on escalators. It was frantic and it just seemed like nobody was really in control or in charge.”

Many angry travellers have also taken to social platform X (formerly Twitter) to share their thoughts on the events unfolding at the terminals. One user stated: “Stuck in a queue for nearly an hour at Heathrow Airport terminal two. This is the worst I’ve seen in 40 years of travel.”

Astonishingly, despite the pandemonium, Mark claimed there was also no official announcements as images circulated on social media showing police vans and sniffer dogs.

A spokesperson from Heathrow later reassured: “This morning our teams worked with emergency services to respond to an incident in terminal two which has now been resolved.”

They added a note for travellers: “We ask passengers to check with their airline if flying from terminal two, the rest of the airport is operating normally.”

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