Sitting for more than four to six hours a day increases your risk of heart disease, strokes and diabetes

People who spend more than six hours a day sitting down – whether at a desk in an office, working from home or even just in front of the TV – are being urged to have one drink after a study of more than 10,000 people in the USA. According to the research, people who sit for long periods and drink coffee are 1.58 times less likely to die of any cause than those who don’t drink coffee – with the effect lasting for up to 13 years.

The study was the first of its kind and was conducted by researchers at Soochow University in China before being published in BMC Public Health. The study used long-term data from people in the US and found that drinking coffee seems to offer protection from the negative health impacts of sitting for a long time every day – including heart disease, diabetes and stroke.

The study found those who drank coffee had better protection than those who exercised. The study of data from 10,639 people found that those who sat for hours a day faced an increased risk of death from all causes if they did not drink coffee.

The study found those who drank coffee had a reduced risk. The study suggested any amount of coffee reduced the risk, with two to three cups a day the most effective.

It follows earlier studies which suggested caffeine in the blood reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes or heart disease. Coffee also contains antioxidants that may reduce inflammation and other ingredients in the drink have been linked to a lower risk of diseases like Parkinson’s.

Another study linked drinking coffee to a lower risk of recurring bowel cancer. Researchers say more study is needed to understand how and why coffee could be reducing the risks associated with a sedentary lifestyle.

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